Star - Waking The Children




When I heard Dalton's voice I nearly cried.

"Uncle Artem!" He yelled happily. "Aunty Star!"

Dalton had never called me Aunt Star or Aunty Star or anything like that before. However, the children knew that Artem and I were a couple. If they considered Artem an Uncle, then to them that would make me their aunt.

That was something that my heart had not been prepared for. It felt like I was seeing someone so close to me, so precious to me finally coming home after so long.


"Hey Buddy."

Artem and I both spoke at nearly the same time. He was so happy to see his little friend awake and looking like there was nothing at all wrong with him. Dalton had been scared when he first woke up but he was all smiles now that he had seen the two of us.

"Uncle Artem, what happened?" He looked confused but he didn't lose his smile.