Walter's Love Statement

Claudia, the girl cried, early she tried to hold back, slowly then there was a sound of sobs that could no longer be able to hold. Walter hugged him tightly to Claudia's waist. "I don't know how, when I hate it, but he expresses my heart," Claudia's story on Walter.

The young man hated a little when Claudia said about Hermes in front of him. Walter's facial expression quickly changed, his ears were so sensitive to hear the girl saying Hermes's name. "Yes, I know. I know what do you feel."

Walter let go of his arms, he dared to put his palm on Claudia's cheek. Walter looked up W.

The girl's face towards him. "Listen to me, for start now, forget everything that Hermes said. Everything I say is only solely so you no longer feel hurt to the same person." Walter directed Claudia's heart to move to him.