The Plants Of Argos

Hermes fell silent, then smiled with a very mysterious expression. "TELL ME QUICKLY, WHO ARE YOU REALLY?" snapped Mark losing his temper. Anger made his body hot again, the wood in his hand just fell.

Mark was in pain, his chest ached. "No, don't be like this again!" thought Mark. He will feel hormonal changes and DNA structure every time he feels disappointed and uncontrollable anger until the vampire viruses in his body affect the balance of red blood cells, white blood cells, and hormones. And it's easy to make Mark's body change very quickly into a vampire.

A body that seems to never feel tired. His body is always in top condition and vital. His sharp nails and teeth that became very sharp were also sharp. "Damn it, why did it have to be like this again in front of them?" thought Mark trying to hold back, but to no avail. His form was perfect like a vampire. "Aaaaagh!"