The Secret Of Argos.

"Goodbye damn palace!" Whispered his mind, he smiled. And then closed the door.

However, his eyes bulged very wide with a furrowed forehead. He was surprised by the arrival of Jacob and the others. And what a shame that old fox was in their hostage, including his grandmother. "Damn, they've caught up with me!" he said angrily. He saw his grandmother struggling with the sharp claws of the vampires stuck in her fox clan's neck.

"Shit, they are again!" thought Walter furiously. He couldn't do much when the vampires held his family hostage. Walter's hands clenched into fists, but remained silent. He glanced at his grandmother and the rest of the white fox clan family, the frightened faces as if asking him for help with hope.

"What do you want?" Walter asked.

"You already know, Walter, what we want from you!" said Jacob grinning.


"Your blood," Jacob laughed.

"Fuck you, I will never let you get this blood of mine!"