All The End Of Story.

But not with Ben, he still had feelings of disappointment in Mark. "Ben, don't you want to hug Daddy?" Mark pleaded.

"I hate Daddy, I don't want to see Daddy!" He screamed and then left Mark.

"Ben... Bennedict!" call Mark.

Mark got up, "Sorry Miss, I'll leave Ray first! There's something I want to talk to, Ben!"

"Okay sir, fine!" said the woman. "Come on Ray, let's play with your friends first."

Mark ran after Ben, then stopped in front of the room. The sound of the door slamming was loud in Mark's ears. And now he was standing in front of a tightly closed door.

Mark started knocking on the door, "Ben ... can you open the door for a moment, Daddy wants to talk to you. I have something important Daddy to talk to you about right now!" said Mark with a downcast face.

"Go... get out of there! I hate Daddy, hate Daddy so much!" Ben shouted rejecting his father's presence.