Chapter 3: Genius baby

Ash Valencia's POV

As Elijah pet my head, I felt sleepy...and tired...and...! No, now is not the time to fall asleep, I scolded myself. I came here to learn about magic, not to sleep. I blinked a few times then turned my attention to the brown-haired man with glasses. He was writing something on the chalkboard.

"This is how division works. Knowing how to do division will be very useful for you in the future. It may be hard to understand but I ask that you learn it well for the sake of your family."

I then saw what he wrote on the board:

[Division- the opposite of multiplication. You can use multiplication to understand how division works:


15 ÷ 3= 5 -> 5 + 5 + 5= 15 -> 5 x 3= 15 10 ÷ 2 = 5 -> 5 + 5 = 10 -> 5 x 2 = 10

18 ÷ 3 = 6 -> 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 -> 6 x 3 = 18 9 ÷ 3 = 3 -> 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 -> 3 x 3 = 9]

'As I expected, this math is awfully easy. I guess on earth kids Elijah's age do learn things like this but...I expected the curriculum for higher class nobles to b a little harder than this...or this is considered high-level math for this world. That would make more sense as this world is less developed than Earth. Just makes things easier for me.'

"Here is your homework assignment on division for today", He said handing out a page of very simple division problems to Elijah and Carsian.

"Make sure to come to me if you have any questions. You are dismissed for today."

Elijah smiled at me, "Shall we go now? We can read some storybooks together. How does that sound?"

"No! You should play with me instead! I can teach you how to use a sword!", Carsian beamed at me.

I shook my head, "Mehbee anover time bruvver Carsian.", I turned to Elijah, "Bruvver Elijah, whus da man's name?" (Maybe another time brother Carsian. Brother Elijah, what's that man's name?), I tugged on his shirt.

"Oh, you mean Professor Luis? He's our teacher, why do you ask?", Elijah looked at me curiously.

'Why did that name sound so familiar? '

I didn't respond, instead, I called in a small voice, "Professor Luis?".

He looked surprised but answered politely, "Yes young miss? Do you need something?"

I nodded and pointed to the extra copies of homework, "May I haf a copy uv dat homwork?" (May I have a copy of that homework?).

"Yes, of course, young miss but...may I ask why?", He questioned while handing me a copy.

"I'll show you. Crayon plis? (I'll show you. Cayon please?)", I said reaching a hand out as Carsian passed me a black-colored crayon that he fished out from.

Professor Luis

I was surprised when she called for me but I answered her anyway, it would be rude if I hadn't. When she asked me for a copy of the homework, I was quite puzzled, for what reason would this 2-year-old child want the homework for? To draw on? My suspicions were confirmed when she asked for a crayon to draw with until she did something that quite baffled and amazed me at the same time.

She started to write down answers to the division questions on the homework sheet. I denied it at first and I think everyone else in the room did too until I took a closer look at her answers...

I spluttered in awe, "That's-that's perfect. Everything is correct. 100%. T-the young miss even showed her work.".

"What!?", Carsian shouted as he leaned over to look at the flawless work the young miss had written as Elijah just gaped at her. I grabbed the sheet and took off my glasses to see if I saw correctly.

'Even her handwriting was better than Carsian's, and at the mere age of 2!'

"T-this is immaculate! Perfection! T-the young miss may be the genius of the century! I-I need to show this to the council!", I marveled at this miracle. I stared at the girl, but her emotionless stare bored into my soul. I unconsciously gulped.

What's this ominous pressure I feel?

"W-wait! How did you do that Ash?", Elijah spluttered.

"Yes, I would like to know that too", I said shoving my glasses on my face.

Elijah, Carsian, and I all stared at her expectantly.

"Tis simple.", She pointed out, "Just do it in your head den write down de answer. It's easy when you understwand it.". Her nonchalant gaze seemed bored, I thought I saw a hint of regret in those eyes but maybe I was imagining things.

"If it's not too much to ask, could the young miss do a few more of these worksheets?", I asked, setting more advanced worksheets on the table. She nodded reluctantly.

One after another, she finished each and every worksheet with speed, precision, and accuracy. Not only that, but she maintained the same cold expression, perfect posture, and hand-writing like it had been practiced for years and years.

She solved questions from dividing in the 10's to dividing into the thousands, to doing long division, to doing decimals, and even fractions. After 30 minutes of awestruck silence, she had finished the last of the 25 worksheets. My hands were trembling as I went through each page and after confirming it.

"Impossible. This is...impossible. Its-its perfect. Young miss, you did everything perfectly.", I let out a strained breath I didn't realize I had been holding in.

"Wow! Ash! Are you some kind of genius baby!?", Carsian beamed.

"I-I can't believe it.", Elijah mumbled, dumbfounded.

As I made my way out of the Valencia mansion, ready to go to the Imperial Council to figure out what we would do with this...genius baby, I found myself wanting to have William introduced to the young miss. If I could have those two build a connection, it would definitely benefit Willaim and the whole family of Luis for generations!

I chuckled to myself still marveling at the existence of such a child. On the carriage ride to the Imperial Palace, I found myself very excited to tell the Council about someone else's child but it didn't seem natural. Who wouldn't be excited about such a phenomenon? As I entered the palace, I was greeted by the receptionist.

"Hello, Count Luis. Are you here to meet with the Imperial Council members?"

"Yes, It is something very important I must speak to them about.", I responded impatiently.

"Of course, Please enter to the left.", The receptionist said pointing to the left while writing down my name.

I nodded in thanks and quickly left towards the Imperial Council's meeting room. I knocked on the huge white Silver-lined door, the sound echoing throughout the hallways.

"You may enter", The head council member's voice boomed from the other side as the door opened on its own.

I was lucky enough to be a part of the council on this extraordinary day.

I kneeled down with my head down, "I greet the moons of Aurora. Please excuse my tardiness as I had to prepare something for today's meeting."

"You are excused. Please lift your head, though I am curious as to what the Genius of Aurora has taken the time to prepare for us to see", the head council member chuckled.

"He's right, you've never been tardy for a council meeting even once Wilson", a friendly voice chimed.

I stood up and sat in my seat, "It is something quite amazing. I was completely blown away when I first witnessed it", I said smirking. As the last few members of today's meeting arrived, the head council member's voice rang, "Let the meeting commence."

Ash Valencia

As I washed the crayon residue off my fingers, I sighed. It was never my intention to show off so much, I had only wanted them to know that I wasn't your "average baby" so they wouldn't treat me like one. I could never get used to their petting, hugging, cuddling, kissing, and so on and so forth.

Teresa picked me up and said, "Young miss sure is smart, aren't you? Do you want to visit young master?"

"You mean bruvver Elrich? (You mean brother Elrich?)", I asked, "If so, then yes. I do wish to visit him.".

Teresa smiled at me and nodded.

Once we arrived at Elrich's room, I knocked a few times, "Bruvver Elrich? Is me, Ash. Can you opwen de door? (Brother Elrich? It's me, Ash. Can you open the door?)"

"Coming! Wait a second.", I heard the sound of small feet running towards the door. The door opened and I saw Elrich peek out with a big smile.

"Ashy! How are you? I heard from Carsian and Elijah that you're some kind of genius baby.", Elrich looked at me curiously.

"Ah, that. I just did some division. it washent nufshing much", I said looking back up at him.

"Division? Even Elijah can't do that yet and you did? As I expected, Ashy is truly amazing!", He beamed at me warmly as he picked me up.


"Yes, young master?"

"You can wait outside. Only come in if we call on you ok?"

"Yes, young master", she responded with a curt nod.

"Good, now come on Ash, I have a new storybook I want to read for you.", He set me on the couch.

I could now understand why Ruby Valencia turned out the way she did. With all this coddling, spoiling, and unconditional love, she would've gotten used to it and expected it from everyone else as she lived a somewhat sheltered life with huge amounts

Never being criticized or insulted, she wouldn't be used to hearing it when she grew up causing her to be bratty. I silently swore to myself that if I got used to and turned out like that, I would never forgive myself.

Elijah Valencia

I sat on the couch in my room lost in thought.

'What was that? Ash was merely a 2-year-old child. Babies of that age weren't even able to talk or walk properly '

My mind reeled, thinking of some logical answer to this... I thought about it until my head started hurting. I sighed, rubbing my temples. I tried my best to wrap my head around the fact that Ash, my lovely 2-year-old sister had been able to solve questions so complex even I had trouble with, to no avail. The thing I was the most curious about was whether or not that was her limit. If she already knew how to do division...what else did she know?

I knew from the moment I saw her that she was special but I never thought she would be this special. To be able to do division at such an age easy feat.

She never seemed like a baby because of those unblinking cold eyes that seemed to judge the value of you, or maybe the fact that she never cried when a normal baby would've, or the way she spoke with such unwavering authority despite her age, or maybe it was the aura that always surrounded her. A very still and silent aura always surrounded my cute baby sister making her seem even more intimidating than the king of Aurora himself.

But I knew that as her oldest brother, I needed to treat her nicely and make sure she was safe at all times. If she wasn't my own little sister, I might've spoiled myself and run away in fear of her. Though she is the way she is, I've never felt fearful of her, she was my own little sister. She always ate what she was given, never complained about the things she had, never cried for no reason, and was the best little sister I could ever ask for.

"Nolan!", I called out, ringing the bell.

"Yes, young master?", He opened the door slightly.

"What's my little sister doing right now?"

"The young miss is currently with Young mast Elrich. They appear to be reading storybooks and having tea together.", Nolan responded immediately.

Slight anger and jealousy boiled inside me for a moment.

'Elrich, how dare he spend time with dear little Ash without me? Ash is going to end up liking Elrich more than me if this keeps up!'

I jump up, "Prepare some snacks for Ash and bring me a blanket for her", I ordered Nolan.

"Yes, young master.", Nolan nods curtly and closes the door. I clench my fist.

Elrich, you sly kid!