All-Seeing Eyes

As James awoke, the pain in his head had nearly completely subsided; actually, he felt more refreshed than he had in months. Both his body and mind seemed to have undergone some sort of transformation as he'd slept, visibly noticeable changes had occurred to his physique with his muscles both considerably larger and firmer than before. With regards to his mind and perception, even the dim pink light of the sunrise shining through the cracks was enough to seem brightly illuminated in his eyes.

'I guess Dan's stupid plan had some benefits' quipped James to himself, his earlier resentment towards his friend not having waned. As James began to stretch out his body, various pops and cracks emanating from his joints like tens of firecrackers, an old-man walked into the room his cage was situated in, the wooden door creaking heavily and bouncing slightly as it closed behind him.

Stopping his motions, James straightened himself out, quickly donning his cloak and boots as he inspected the man before him. Roughly 2 metres in height, long silver hair flowing down his back, and a clean-shaven, chiseled face. The only giveaways of his age were the slight wrinkles and creases in his skin, and the colour of his hair, otherwise James would have mistaken him for someone in their mid-to-late 30s.

Most strikingly, in James' eyes, a thin layer of sky blue mist surrounded the man's figure, creating a glowing outline and giving the old man an ethereal look. 'If he's glowing with energy… doesn't that make him a cultivator!' thought James, 'I wonder what the old police officer's outline would've looked like…'

"So you're the mortal spy eh? I expected a grown man at least. Those Purple Cloud savages have really stooped to a new low sending a kid like you to do their dirty work…" said the old man to James, standing a small distance away, a smile of pity on his face as he imagined the fate of the child before him.

"I believe there's a misunderstanding sir, I'm just a traveller, I sincerely apologise for intruding on your land and I'd much appreciate it if you would let me leave" replied James without missing a beat. The quick response only furthered the man's suspicion, asking, "So, where did you begin your journey, a young traveler like you must have many tales to regale me with. This old man doesn't claim to be worldly, having spent most of his life in this tribe, but I still find awe in the vast grandeur of this world we inhabit".

This question threw James for a loop, he knew nothing of this world, and his new boots showed no signs of wear, giving his lie away quickly. "As I thought…" said the old man after a moment of silence, "Any other pleas?" he asked, raising his eyebrow at James, his glare seemingly staring into the depths of James' soul.

After another brief pause, realising his plan had failed and dropping the pleading tone, James slowly responded, "Just a question", swallowing the saliva to help his rapidly drying throat, "What will my punishment be?". To this the old man sighed, "Of course those Purple Cloud wretches didn't tell you what your fate was, else you may have killed yourself then and there".

"Is it really that bad?" asked James, a hint of worry crossing his face. A sullen look on his face, the old man simply nodded, "This old fellow suspects you'll be taken into the Cloud Swallowing Circle; it is an ancient magical tablet that predates even our tribe, our ancestors merely found it in the centre of the clearing and decided to set up the tribe in this location."

Hearing this, James' hope nearly ran dry, sheepishly asking, "What does this tablet do?". The old man hesitated for a moment, ready to tell him that children shouldn't worry about the matters of adults, before realising that the child before him was about to experience it first-hand.

"Your Purple Cloud tribe contains deep purple flowers, yes?", not interrupting to state he hadn't the slightest clue, James allowed the man to continue, "Those purple flowers are called Purple Cloud Dandelions, and emit a gas cloud every few minutes. Those gas clouds enter your bodies through the air you breathe as you live in then Purple Cloud Tribe and mark you as such."

"Even the minutest fragment of the mist in your body will be picked up by the Cloud Swallowing Circle as you come close to it, and will be swallowed from your body - along with the rest of it. Piece by piece, your flesh will be ripped apart as you lose the ability to move. A horrible way to go really."

"Of course, it's different for those who haven't smelt the fragrance of the Purple Cloud Dandelions; those who haven't are marked by the Clear Sky Pupils - our tribe's most proud characteristic." smiled the old man proudly, staring into James' eyes and seemingly showing off his own set of Clear Sky Pupils.

"If that is all, this old man will be taking his leave. I hope, for the sake of not watching a child die before me, that you were telling the truth about your origins." chuckled the old man to himself, mocking his own childish optimism as the door to the room closed once more.