Chapter 5 making a new friend



[AGE]: 7

[LEVEL]: 8 NEXT (LV) 15,7 %





[HEALTH]: 250/250 (HP)

[CHAKRA]: 90 (CP)


[AGILITY]: 29 (AG)




[WISDOM]: 47 (WIS)

[LUCK]: 17 (LUK)

[MONEY]: 1000 (¥)

[POINT]: 500 (P)

I started to walk to the library and the park to play or explore now that I'm 7. When my neighbors or when my parents ask(the few times they are here) where I was or doing I said that I was at the library reading the kid's books or playing at the park. they believed me and I'm not totally lying, I'm at the library reading books about economics, math, chakra control, medicine, cookbooks, plants, constructions, Konoha history, politics, about the different nations and villages, animals, and weapon making.

At the park, I usually only used the swings so that I would seem like I was having fun when I was trying to find anyone from the rookie 9. I usually never saw any one of them except when I walked past her family's flower shop.

Today mebuki and Kizashi once again left me alone after giving me my monthly money. this time they had been nice enough to fill the fridge before I went outside for a walk and when I was about to walk past the park I saw a blond boy with sad blue eyes on the swings. I walked up to him but he didn't seem to notice me.

"Hey, do you want to play?"


"I said do you want to play"

"y-you are not afraid of me?"

"why would I be afraid of you? you are just a kid"

"Everyone is either afraid or hate me"

"I don't hate you and I'm not afraid of you so do you want to play?"


"Yes, why would I ask if I didn't want to play with you?"

"yeah you have a point"

"My name is sakura Haruno what is yours?"

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki nice to meet you sakura."

As he said that he has a big smile and his eyes sparkled with the hope that I would play with him. we played tag and with the swings for about an hour before we took a break and started to play 20th questions to get to know each other.

"What is your favorite color sakura-chan?"

" purple and yours?"

"black and orange, favorite animal?"

"dogs you?"

"I don't have one yet, favorite food?"

"pocky, you?"

"ramen, dream for future?"

"Being able to protect my friends and home even if I haven't found my home yet, yourself?"

"making people accept me"

"that is a nice dream but make sure that you don't change or sacrifice yourself to be accepted and just so you know you have already accomplished with that dream"


"Well I accept you and you are my friend right?"

"y-you want to be m-my friend?"

" you not want to be my friend naruto?"

"NO! I really want to be your friend it's just you are the first person that has wanted to be my friend"

As he finished that sentence he broke into tears and I hugged him and let him cry on my shoulder. He cried himself to sleep so I carried him to my place and put him on the couch. I put a pillow under his head, took off his jacket and shoes, and put a blanket over him. I wrote I note on the coffee table that told him what happened and where he was and where my room and bathroom were.

I went to my room and got ready for bed and went asleep.I fell asleep as son as my head hit the pillow.