Growing up pt 2

| time skip 1 and a half years |


[current condition : healthy

Title: orphan toddler

Age 2 years

Strength: 6

Agility: 8

Vitality: 5

Defense: 9

Stamina: 7

INT :29]

[skills : sprint LV:1, speech]

[passive skills: titan system, titan link , regeneration LV:2, Stamina regeneration LV:1 ]

Over the past year and a half I've been able to train up some of my stats. I also gain two more passive skills that i feel will help me out a lot in the future. Adachi also took note of my rapid process of growing up compared too the other kids. which as i have learned the other kid that i though was looking at me angrily was actually jealous of the attention i was getting and has been trying to sabotage me recently ever sense he could crawl.

the one responsible was Kanai the little brat. hes been tripping me and pretending to cry like I hurt him to get me in trouble. which is how i was able to gain the regeneration ability but when i wasn't being bullied by Kanai i was outside running or in the corner pretending to play with toys while secretly trying to develop my muscles. as for the other baby she was quite most of the time and was a neutral party, but she never told Sora, or Adachi that i was the one being bullied by kanai and not the other way around. As for the other kids, they were already spreading bad rumors but once Kanai was able to speak the just out rite avoided me.

As for what they looked like now Kanai had blond hair that was rough and not to long with green eyes and a pointy chin. As for shizuko she has deep brown hair and is the same with the eyes with a small nose.

I also learned that Sora had a quirk but it was really weak and wasn't able to do much. all she was able to to was create a slight triqle of water from her finger tips.

besides being bullied and turned into a loner with his only friend being Sora nothing else happend but he doesn't mind. he's gonna be a villain any way so why should he care. but he has to keep the facade that he is still a child.

"Sora why do the other kids avoid me so much. You and Adachi are so nice to me yet Kanai and the other kids either bully me or avoid me." said Kamino as he was attempting watery eyes while looking at Sora while they were walking over to the cafeteria to where all the other kids were.

"Oh Kamino the other kids don't hate you they just no used to kids your age being so strong and fast, i mean you only two and you know how to read and write. your even as fast as kids 3 times your age." Sora was saying trying to cheer him up.

[pilots were always known to be faster and more sturdier then others, but you are still a normal child so you should see this as a great feat]

"But what do you mean the kids have been bulling you." Sora asked confused cause she hasn't seen other kids near him besides Kanai and Shizuko.

"is it one of the other kids that are with you in the study room"

"yeah, Kanai keeps pushing me and taking my toys"

"Ok i'll have a talk with him and see if i can have him stop. oh i should also let you know that sense its your 2nd birthday that we are moving you to your own room like all the other kids. I'm sure its pretty cramped in that crib. sorry we couldn't do it sooner".

"really thank you, miss Sora"

"your welcome"

| time skip two years |

Its currently a few hours before i awaken my quirk, however instead of being exited i cant help but think about what Don said, "I put in a surprise". Something just feels off about it that i cant put my finger on.

~oh well it's not like i can change it. just got to live with what i get. maybe ill be able to summon my titan finally i tried a few of times but it didn't work at all~

as for how I know that the quirk will be in a few hours is the fact that he said when i turn 3-4 and seeing that its my 4th birthday tomorrow it would be logical to say that's when it will be arriving. Although i don't plan on summoning my titan until I've trained my body a lot more. speaking of which here are my new stats.


[current condition : healthy

Title: orphan toddler

Age 3 years

Strength: 12

Agility: 17

Vitality: 10

Defense: 17

Stamina: 20

INT :33]

[skills : sprint LV:3, intimidation LV:1, ]

[passive skills: titan system, titan link , regeneration LV:2, Stamina regeneration LV:1 ]

(for context of the new skills i'll give you a flashback on what happend)

i was outside in the yard working out and stretching around noon like i always did after lunch. while i was doing so Kanai was walking up to me with his little gang he made up with him as the leader somehow. the group had 2 three year olds, one 4 year old and 1 five year old not including Kanai who at the time was the same age as men at 3 and a half.

while he was walking up to me it was hard not to notice the smirk he and the other kids were carrying on there faces as they were walking up to me. once they were close enough Kanai started the conversation.

"hey you want to play heroes and villains with us, after all you got no one else to play with you. you should be grateful." he says the most villainy remark i have ever heard from a child while his smirk grows even wider.

~And i thought i was supposed to be the villain. well in not falling for it, even with my strength that is equal to someone twice my age, against three 3 year olds and two kids that are even older i think ill only be able to take down a few of them but not all ~

"no thanks i'm fine with what i'm doing by myself, thanks for the offer though but i'm not interested." i say as i turn my back to walk somewhere else while rolling my eyes to their obvious scheme.

that was my mistake as i soon realized

when i turned my back the oldest then said you'll be the villain then, as he grabbed my shoulder a punched me square in the face. but with my defense stat so hi it barley left a mark then as he removed his fist all they saw was me staring him down in the eye visibly pissed off. it was at this moment that something showed up on my stats screen.

[Intimidation LV:1 acquired]

{1 damage received}

{current health 50/51}

~intimidation, that might be useful. back to the point though he barely did any damage with my defense being so high. i should use my perception skill i picked up to see what i'm up against~

(remember it only takes him about 2-3 seconds to think of all this with his INT)

{Boil__age:5___HP 30/30__S:5__A:6__V:6__D:4__ST:4__INT:3}

{Cody__age:4___HP 25/25__S:5__A:2__V:6__D:5__ST:3__INT:4}

{kid 1__age:3___HP 20/20__S:1__A:8__V:6__D:4__ST:5__INT:2}

{kid 2__age:3___HP 20/20__S:2__A:3__V:6__D:4__ST:2__INT:3}

{Kanai__age:3___HP 20/20__S:6__A:8__V:6__D:7__ST:9__INT:7}

(names are hard ok)

seeing there stats i was starting to greatly appreciate this skill very much. it also surprised me that out of all of them Kanai had the best stats. at the same time looking at their skill compared to mine, i thought i had pretty high chances of winning. like around 60/40 in my favor.

((cliffhanger) pt 3 coming soon)