
it was just a few minutes before i hot my quirk and i got a notification from my system.

it read

| hey so your quirk is coming in and so is your shop. by the looks of it you already have some currency good luck and just so you know there is another.

you can't stop the Scorch

-Don |

~well shit now i got competition. it's fucking Kanai isn't it, i can just hope whoever it is doesn't have a system like me~

just then he feels a shearing pain in his head as he falls to the floor clutching his head in pain as the information to control this quirk and training of a pilot comes to his head, just as quickly as it came it vanished.

[congratulations on completing your training pilot]

[pilot suit rewarded]

[i recommend you equip your suit before the caregiver arrives so you may explain it as your so called quirk]

as i take a look at he suit in my inventory filling up 1 of the 10 slots i had, in the others slots was just a stack of bread, water and soup which i learned that as long as they are the same thing they can stack on to the same slot. as for the suit, it was the pulse blade suit.

(image here)

as Adachi burst through the door to my room he saw a 4 year old child at the astounding height of 4 foot and growing by 2 inches while cloth, metal bits and components and starting to fly towards him and cresting some sort of armor around his body. the material was forming out of thin air and didn't come near any of it as to not get caught up in what was happening.

just as it was finishing assembling the suit Sora came through the door in her pajamas with a shocked expression when she noticed seeing what was happening with Kamino.

"Adachi something is happening with Kanai and shizuko and its the same thing that's happening with Kamino! Sora said in shock and amazement to Adachi while seeing Kamino finish whatever was happening with him.

When Kamino heard this he couldn't help but call out in his head that he called it when he heard Sora telling Adachi about Kanai's and shizuko situation.

~He most likely is the Scorch main Don was talking about. i never had anything against Scorches, they are mainly close combat that are very troublesome to kill. With their shield that can nullifies any attack and also does damage. best bet if i ever combat his titan is to keep as much distance as possible. i was once spawn camped by a scorch in titan vs titan and he kept spamming that dammed shield in my face killing me way to fast. As for why shizuko is involved i have no idea.~

just as he finished that inner monologue he fell face first into the floor and paced out while his last thought was to try to either patch this rivalry or get rid of him entirely.









As he woke up he saw himself Shizuko, Kanai on another bed's beside him. Kanai looked like he was in the cloak suit while Shizuko was in a female version of the holo suit. while her lights on her visor were blue, Kanai was orange while i was red.

(images here)

(all molded to fit their current size)

they were currently in a hospital when a doctor walked up to Kamino seeing as he was the first to wake up out of the 3.

"hey there you are currently in the hospital because your quirk knocked you out when you and your friends here awakened it. the man that brought you here said that you were all orphans and that you weren't related so we were shocked that you all had the same quirk at the same time and place. it is incredibly rare for anything of this sorts to happen. we tried taking them off but we couldn't and ended up with a broken crow bar."said the doc while he was checking his clipboard with a confused expression confirming what he just said was true.

as he was finishing explaining Kanai and Shizuko woke up and the doc went to them and repeated to them what he told me. i couldn't see his expression but Kanai was starring at me we he heard the news. the doc said that when they passed out their caregiver called them and then carried us here with the help of Sora. The doc also explained that while were asleep that Kanai kept turning invisible, Shizuko was sending out clones of herself that dispersed when they hit something and that i kept sending waves of something that highlighted an outline everybody that it touched.

he also said that he test the armor and said that it was very durable and then asked us if we could take it off. When they tried that they couldn't and when they tried all of a sodden a mechanical voice rang out throughout all three of there helmet's.

[pilot you will not be able to take off the suit for unknown reasons, be at ease as you will still be able to eat and go to the bathroom with the suit on]

[pilot you will not be able to take off the suit for unknown reasons, be at ease as you will still be able to eat and go to the bathroom with the suit on]

[pilot you will not be able to take off the suit for unknown reasons, be at ease as you will still be able to eat and go to the bathroom with the suit on]

Kanai, Shizuko and the doc were surprised by the voices while I had to pretend to be shocked about CT-782 and the other titans. as they heard them Kanai was the first to respond as he questioned the voice by asking "who are you, what are you".

[I am CT-55555 and I am your titan] Kanai's titan explained in a slightly deeper voice than CT-782

\CT-782\ [pilot i recommend going outside before summoning me]

"summon you. how do I do that"

[go outside and request for titan fall. although i can do it here i detect other's here and if you summon me inside i might cause the building to collapse]

the doc hearing all this has the kids head outside and test their quirks on a blacktop as they usually have to test it outside and in a open area when testing out new quirks that just awakened. when they arrived on the black top and stands back and places the kids apart and asked them to do as the robot said and request for the titan fall.

"okay now, repeat what the voice said and then we can name your quirks. Then we'll send you back once you learned to control them. do you understand?"

/all/ "yes"

"Requesting for titan fall" Kamino said with excitement in his voice.

after ward they all heard a slight explosion in they sky and 1 huge object heading toward the ground in front of them. once it landed and the dust dissipated they saw a huge mech suit standing at 20 feet or 6.25 meters tall. Carrying a giant mini-gun, Kamino recognized his titan as the legion in the game although it had a slimmer frame from what he remembered

everyone seeing the giant brute were shocked and fell to the floor from the little shock wave they felt when it landed, even Kamino was shocked as they all stared at his paralyzed in shock and awe.

the doc seeing this asked the kid what he wanted to name his quirk. and Kamino being the first to speak said the words "I'll call my quirk..."


(Authors note keep commenting and giving me ideas. also i want to your honest opinion on the story so please write a review.)