Chapter 6 Meeting His Parents

Hailey's POV

We arrived in Ottawa. Canada. Fortunately, my dreamland. Woah. I'm happy yet I'm a bit nervous. Okay, more than 'a bit' nervous. He took my hand. I was shocked. He looked at me and made a 'keep-quiet' look. He took me to a car and then the driver drove off.

The car stopped in front of this palace. It's a fairy tale, my life. I mean, this is literally a palace! Such a huge mansion! I can't even afford to dream of something like this. But yet here I am. "Close your mouth, " He said to me. Then I realized my mouth was wide open in awe of the Palace. I embarrassedly closed my mouth and then we entered the house. He suddenly warped his hands around my waist. I looked at him and he said, "Do as I say"

"Okay... sir" I continued moving. We were welcomed

I messaged Robert. "uh... Sir... Can I see my mom? You said I could after I tell you my decision" I said. He saw it after five minutes. "After the wedding, " he said and offline! Oh crap. After the wedding. Well, better than never! I'm really looking forward to our wedding. I want to meet Ivan once but he denied meeting me. Politely, though. I wonder what's on his mind. But anyway, I don't, not even a bit, doubt him. Because he has been the shy type of guy. Just a week and I will be his!