Chapter 12 Handsome Monster

Hailey's POV

"Who is there!?" someone exclaimed. My heartbeat stopped, my breath hitched up in my lungs, my legs froze, and sweat beads started flowing. I'm dead. I'm really dead. I mean, literally dead. I decided not to go out. Anyways, if I go out, I'll die. I mean, Robert really wants me dead, and these men don't look good either. "Don't you dare change the point of attraction here" I heard Robert's voice. "I'm not, you bastard! There's someone!" the same man said. "Come on, shoot, " Robert said. "Me" he added. I again peeped out of the place I was hiding. All the guns have been pointed towards Robert, like before. I don't know why, but I was scared because of him. Will he be alright? Fuck, shut up, Hailey. You are just insane!! Suddenly a phone started ringing. Thank god, it isn't mine or I should say Robert's