Chapter 37 I still wanna meet him

Robert's POV"The patient has gained consciousness, " the doctor said finally coming out of the ward after a very long time. A smile played on my lips hearing the news as I made my way towards the ward. "You may meet her, but you need to keep her from becoming too much excited""Okay, sure" I replied and was about to go inside when Alex came. "Robert!!" he yelled. I looked at him. "Don't you dare" I stepped back as he came near. "I am going first. Only if she wants, then you'll meet her""Hm, " I said and he went inside the ward. Alex's POVI went inside the ward and saw Hailey lying on the bed with her eyes closed. I went near her and she opened her eyes, knowing a presence. "A-Alex, " she said. "Hailey, " I said and cupped her cheeks. She smiled. "Are you okay?" I asked.