Chapter 48 A big mistake 2

Hailey's POVI woke up the next day and his mood was good again. He was in the room, setting his tie, and was smiling. As I got up, he looked at me and passed a smile to me too."Good morning, Hailey," he said."Yeah, it is a very good morning" I replied and got to him. "May I?" I asked.He nodded and I did his tie. I got away and then smiling, I went to take a shower. I went to the office and did the work, and the entire day went smoothly and happily. He was behaving even nicely now and was accepting of anything I say, be it taking him to dinner out tonight or to go from work earlier.

I took a leave from the office earlier, saying that I wanted to rest. He accepted without asking anything and I left the office.I reached home and started preparing dinner. Yeah, first I decided to book some expensive restaurant,