Chapter 53 Family Dinner...can Break Bonds

Robert's POVAs she said those words, a little happiness played inside my chest.So… is she saying that I am the best man for her?Is she saying that I am the one who deserves her?Why am I so happy about it?Why am I feeling the joy, I didn't feel in years?I drove back to our house and she went inside and sat down on the couch. I sat beside her."Your family is coming, right?" she confirmed."Yes," I replied. "Tonight""Okay" She got up and made her way to the kitchen."Wait" I stopped her. "Where are you going?""To make dinner?" she raised an eyebrow."It is just 5" I exclaimed.She looked at me and sighed. "I am a bad cook. Do I need to remind you that every time?""Oh, are you?""The worst one""Really? Then why are you making dinner?""Because your family is coming?""So, the worst cook will make dinner?"