Chapter 67 Final fight

Hailey's POVAfter the mediatic mess, we went back and he looked at me. "You were good""Can I go now…?" I asked him as he closed the door of the entrance.He looked at me like he was thinking something. "You know? You wanna meet Nicholson?"Nicholson?Robert's foe?"H-Him?""So, you know him…" he smirked. "Good. Just wait here" he left the house.I don't know who Nicholson is, but looking at the facts, I am not the happiest to meet him.After an hour, someone entered the living room with a face mask on. "He is Nicholson," Ervin said while bowing to him, as he was his boss.I nodded and that man came to me. He was… it looked like I knew him. It was kind of personal. I felt a kind of aura that I knew him.He looked at me, I mean, his face was towards me and then he took out a knife.