Common Sense (3)

"Huh? You're up early. Morning Prune," after washing up and changing into my uniform, I saw Prune already preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Liliath was currently in the bath. Nine-- in her room as usual.

And-- Nine lied. There wasn't a hickey on my neck but-- it wasn't the case for my shoulders and chest though. Gosh.. how far did Liliath go yesterday? I'm pretty sure my chastity is still safe right? RIGHT?!

Which begs the question.. how did Nine know?

"How are you? Is Liliath alright? I heard from Nine that she cried," Prune turned to face me. Her silver hair cascading down her back, the two wolf ears on top of her head twitched, her bushy tail swaying behind her.

"She's fine-- for now. I'm good. How bout' you? It's odd to see you so early?"

"Well.. I was just worried. That's why.. ah, can you help take out the chicken slices in the fridge, thanks."

"I see… Got it."

For today's breakfast-- chicken cutlets with a side of fermented radish and watercress soup or something-- I wasn't all too familiar with the ingredient.

It sure is convenient to have someone like Prune who knows her stuff when it comes to cooking. The kind of image I had in mind when it comes to living alone in an apartment was eating out for most of my meals since-- I was thinking I would be too lazy to cook.

But now I kinda wonder if that really was the case.

Cracking the eggs into a bowl and pouring bread crusts on a flat plate, the next step was obvious. Dipping the marinated chicken into the egg before rolling it over the bread crusts-- well, it was supposed to be like that if Nine didn't interfere.

"Why not put everything into a container and just shake it. My mom used to do that. It's a lot quicker, makes less of a mess and the coating becomes even," was Nine's suggestion.

"That could work.." As someone who doesn't like to get my hands messy, Nine's plan had my approval. I wouldn't want to have crumbs sticking on my fingers.. It's uncomfortable. Though, the ultimate decidor would still be Prune.

"I prefer the traditional method though… we could try this method," Prune approved and went to search for a suitable deep container.

Improvising, we layered the breadcrumbs on the first layer before dropping an egg coated chicken on the second layer-- then another layer of breadcrumbs followed by another layer of breadcrumbs. This was repeated until every piece of chicken had been done in. The result was a mountain of crumbs. Feels like we just made a chicken cake.

I was responsible for pouring the crumbs, Prune was in charge of dipping the chicken into the egg before dropping it into the container. Last but not least was Nine's role. She insisted that she wanted to shake it.

With the lid pressed onto the container, holding it in the air, Nine brought it down much like swinging an axe.

Nine didn't drop the container-- but she didn't hold the lid still enough. The crumbs escaped from the gaps-- flew and dirtied her clothes-- and her face.

"WHAT!? NO! My clothes?!"

While shedding fake tears, Nine retreated from the kitchen to grab a change of clothes. Sighing, Prune was the person to complete the task before sending each coated chicken cutlet into the fryer.

"Noel. Can I ask what happened to Liliath yesterday?" Prune asked, her gaze focused intently on the sizzling golden chicken.

"A mental breakdown. She was reminded of her past-- is my guess. I don't have a concrete idea why either."

That's my opinion. I could say it's because the student council president said something to arouse her memory or that she had been suppressing her emotions all this while, finally bursting open yesterday. But only Liliath knows the reason.

No.. perhaps she herself doesn't know either.

"I heard that it happened when she was talking to the student council president. But I don't know the contents."

"I don't think the student council prez meant anything bad though. Must have been an accident."

Yeah.. I'll probably have to apologize to her if I meet her today. I hope she wasn't hit directly by Liliath's bloodlust. Then I also have the counseling session with teacher Glib-- and I need to report the updates to my TALENT--

Yup. I have a lot on my plate today.

Speaking of which.




Current Points: 3255

Quests: Passion:

Sleep together with Liliath for a night. 50P

Hug Liliath. 30P


Quests: Commitment:

Get something for Liliath in the shop. 30P

Protect Liliath from ill-intent. 30P


Quests: Intimacy:

Take a walk together under the open rain. 20P

Cook a dish together. 20P


Quests will be refreshed daily. Quests that have been completed will be prioritized, else the user can select up to 1 quest per category to remove. (removed quests will be refreshed the next day)

Max quest for each category: 2 (Upgradable) (68/100)




Man.. it's been a while. I really miss this-- can't wait to get back to 'purposefully' flirting with Liliath again.. not.

I can't believe i'm saying this but I'm hating the system for not having any sort of kissing quests today.

Ugh.. What have I become..

And I have a tonne of points. Can't wait to see what's in the mail later-- probably more points. I have to really spend it on something ASAP. But what should I spend it on? Buying an item and actually using it would only cause suspicion and prove the utility of my TALENT right? And if word got out, it would be troublesome if someone begs me for an elixir potion in the future..

I've already delayed notifying the full extent of my TALENT to the teachers and doubt is dissolving my resolve-- what should I do..?

The shop function is convenient, yes. But also incredibly troublesome, which is most probably why I didn't really feel like getting anything from the store before. Plus, I'm not a huge spender either. Maybe buy some premium tea leaves for Liliath? Yeah, that could be good too.

In any case, with this perfect weather of despair-- it's literally raining thunderous dog and lightning cats outside, so.. there's no problem taking a short stroll together with Liliath under the rain.

"Hey Noel, are you busy?" Nine called out to me in the corridor.


"I was just wondering.. come here for a second," she beckoned me with her hands.

And so I went.

"What is it?"

"This. I saw it a while back but never got the chance to ask," Nine tippy-toed, pointing at the picture frame hanging on the wall, I felt a jolt in my mind.

Don't panic Noel, you got this.

"Hm? That's the house document, don't mind it," clam-- peace-- tranquility. Don't show any suspicious actions or stutter-- everything will be alright..

"Oh. Alright."

Yes.. just forget you saw that.

I wouldn't have thought Nine's height could become such a convenience. Shit, my heart is beating really fast here..

If she were taller, she would've been able to read the contents without any issue. But since she wasn't able to read the tiny words at eye level, she never got to learn the purpose of that legal document.

Yes. THAT legal document.

"That is a legal document citing that Noel is punishable by law if he attempts anything indecent against Prune," Liliath's voice boomed behind us…

Yes. Just as Liliath said-- this is the document to protect Prune's chastity from me-- the one Prune's parent signed in front of me the first time they came to look around the apartment with my family-- the bane of my existence-- and it just had to be drilled into the wall for anyone, and everyone to see.

But that is besides the point--

"It was said this was kept here for the sake of reminding Noel to keep himself in check."

And Liliath just had to say that..

"What? Seriously? Is there one for me then?" Nine asked. What? She's actually requesting one for herself—

Liliath turned to me with a questioning look.

"No…" I drawled.

"I knew Noel was two-timing… or three-timing.."


"No I'm not.." I pressed my hands on my forehead. Liliath giggled. She must have said that on purpose huh? Well, as long as she's feeling better.

"Says who? I trust my observations-- the proof is already in the pudding."

"Pudding?" Liliath's interest was piqued at Nine's word.

"It's an idiom."

"Noel is the pudding, go eat him up Liliath!" Nine cheered.

Damn. Well.. she's a streamer after all.

In anycase, after this light banter to brighten up the mood, we went back to the kitchen to have our breakfast.