WebNovelSoul Ties37.50%


"oouu chileee this candy bouta buss" day-day said as she opened a bag of skittles, making me look up from my phone. she paused and looked around, noticing all eyes on her.

"unt unt. don't nobody ask me for some"

"come on mane" jared persuaded her, scooting closer to her.

"nope" she refused, stuffing her mouth up with skittles.

"c'mon day" i begged and day-day scrunched up her face at that. "not you asking for some when you literally got enough money in your pockets to walk down ta the corner store and get some"

"yeah but you know i'm saving up to get my own place and finally move out my mama's house " i explained. my mama being getting on my nerves talmbout wAsH tHe DaMn DiShEs and cLoSe ThAt DaMn ReFriDgErAtOr and sTop AcTiNg LiKe YoU pAy SoMe DaMn BiLlS iN tHiS hOuSe. i was tired of that shit so i decided to move out.

"move to where? you barely 18. fresh outta high school" omar pointed out. okay so i just graduated two months ago but i couldn't wait to get my own place or go off to college. i just wanted to get away from my mama.

"don't you mean she barely got outta high school?" jared corrected and laughed, making me smack my teeth.

yeah i almost didn't graduate. my grades was really sum'. it wasn't really my fault tho. i ain't never had time to study when i was always working my ass off at my shitty job to make some money.

"whatchu gotta bring that up fa fam? this that shit i don't like". this why i didn't like jared. he was always taking things too damn far. everybody knew i was sensitive about my grades.

"relax shawty. i was just playing. why you bugging?" he asked, a smug smile still on his face. mane i really hated this nigga. he was always saying some slick shit to me like we was even that close.

"miss me with that shit cuh i ain't playing wit-"

"aye it's all good. y'all can have the skittles if y'all still want it" day-day said, not wanting the argument to escalate.

"why you always gotta be so tight over nun'?"

the audacity of this nigga.

"now you got me all the way fucked u-"

"okayyyyyy why don't we go to the store and maybe just cool off a bit?" ace suggested, finally looking up from his phone.

"yeah. y'all should definitely go" omar added.

"whatever" i said and stood up from the couch.

"let's go zozo" ace held the door open for me and i glared at him.

"i told you not to call me that"

zozo was this stupid ass nickname he had come up with. i hated it but he thought it was cute.


"you know you love it" he said and patted my hair, making me swat his hand away.


"you still tight?" ace asked when he pulled up to da store.

"forget that nigga. he always getting on my nerves. he gon' get cheffed up if he stay on that bullshit" i huffed and rolled my eyes. he been getting on my nerves since he came into the pictures. with his loud ass. nigga wasn't even that smart too. so he was loud and dumb.

(to get cheffed up basically means getting stabbed)

"relax. your accent jumping out" ace laughed.

my family had moved from the u.k to new york when i was just eleven and over time, my accent had faded but it still jumped out when i got mad.

"shut up mane"

"you know it's just jared being jared"

"iT's JuSt JaReD bEiNg JaReD" i mocked. "whatever nigga. let's just go in and get some damn skittles"

we got out the car and into the store. i headed straight to the candy aisle. i ain't have no business in the other aisles.

"you look like a kid in a candy store" ace laughed.

"yeah yeah. why don't ya go pick out sum' fa your lil girlfriend? i think i saw some sunflower seeds back there" i pointed at the next aisle and ace mushed my head.

"you gotta learn to like her, you know?"

"i ain't gotta learn shit" i disagreed, trying to make a choice between getting just the skittles or a lil extra shit with it.

a lil extra shit with it.

just then, ace's phone started ringing.

"i'm guessing that's her"

"be back in a minute" he said and walked off, holding the phone to his ear.

it was definitely her. and judging by his facial expression, she wasn't happy. prolly bitching about how they did her nails wrong. all she talked about was herself and it was sooooooooo annoying.

"what's good shawty?" someone asked five minutes after ace had left and i looked up to see a boy.

a durag over what i assumed was waves. or at least was supposed to be. clear darkskin and presumably nice teeth.

he was peeeeeeeeeng.

(for those who don't know, peng means good-looking or nice)

but he wasn't my type.

"i got a man" i lied. that was what i normally told anybody that tried to talk to me. i wasn't looking for a relationship at the moment. plus caleb and i was talking.

"i ain't ask for allat" he said. "ion give a fuck if you got a man. you and your man ain't got nun' to do wimme. you out here being faithful and shit. blocking all your blessings"

"you tight" i chuckled.

"i ain't tight over nun'" he denied.

"whateva you sa-"

"you done zozo?" ace asked, walking up to us.

"this your lil boyfriend?" the guy raised an eyebrow as he scanned ace.


"and if he is?"

"nun'" he shook his head and slowly walked backwards.

"who was that?" ace asked when the guy finally turned the corner.

"ion even know. hope you got the dough for these?". i changed the topic, pointing at the bars of candy in my arms.

"you gon' eat up all my damn money" he complained, pulling out his wallet to get his card.

oh so it was like that.

"might as well grab a lil sum' since you getting the square out"

(square basically means someone's bank card or credit card)

he groaned and followed me to the drinks.


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