Bennett, Logan, the Charity Case (and the Dead Girl.)

Miss Alissa: Eagles of Death Metal

"Rayna Fucking Sutherland."

"Even buried 10 feet underground, she's still a fucking nuisance."

Bennett chucked the football at Logan's gut.

"What was that for? I was kidding. It was a joke."

"Yeah? Why don't you tell the cops that, I'm sure they'll find it just as hilarious."

Logan walked around Bennett's bedroom, passing the ball between his hands. He stopped in front of an old photo of the Badeaux family.

"Your mom is a fucking MILF. No disrespect to your old man though, just saying..." Upon meeting Bennett's glare, Logan dropped the football and raised his hands in surrender.

"No hard feelings man." After no response from Bennett, he sighed.

He turned around to face his friend.

"Look, I don't get why you're so caught up with all this Rayna shit. It's probably just one of our mates trying to get a rise out of you. Don't fall prey to that shit man."

"Have you ever seen I Know What You Did Last Summer? Spoiler alert, THEY ALL DIE. And you know what? They only committed manslaughter. And us? Oh we're going to hell."

"Uh Bennett. Jennifer Love Hewitt LIVES. To tell the tale for the next movie! The sequel man! That third one is an abomination and should cease to exist. Anyway. We could be Jennifer Love Hewitt. You and I. We're hot enough."

Bennett threw Logan another look. "She almost gets murdered every single shot."

"Key word being almost."

"Look. Someone knows about what we did. We have to end them before they end us. You're an idiot with an excellent memory, help me out here." Bennett stood in front of Logan, holding out a photo of his lipstick threat.

Logan sighed, grabbing the photo.

"Grab some paper. We're gonna make a list."

Half an hour later, everyone had become a suspect.

"I'm telling you man, he looked at me funny! AND he told me to 'drive safe'. Why would he say that if not to dredge up our crimes?"

"I don't know Logan...maybe look at your fine record? You're the record holder of most DUI's in the whole town."

"You wanted me to think of any unlikely possible suspects and I delivered. Call me the mailman. Now if you'll excuse me, it's past seven and I'm supposed to make my mum some yakisoba." Logan cracked his back before proceeding to get up and grab his wallet.

Before exiting out the door, he looked back at Bennett. "Listen man, as soon as someone comes to mind, I'll call you. Until then, keep yourself safe okay? Love you!"

After Logan had gone home, Bennett was left with the thoughts occupying his mind all day. There was only one person who would know how to fix them.

"Man, we haven't had a night sesh in how long? You good?"

Leonard stole the ball off Bennett and shot a goal.

He grinned, "Come on Benny, not even going to fight for it?"

Bennett raised his brows. "Don't worry. Just giving you a pity shoot."

As he dribbled the ball away from Leo, Bennett began talking. "What do you think about Gisele?"

This time, it was Leonard who seemed disinterested in the game.

"Why? Has she said something?"

"No. Why would she ask about you? She does seem to think you and that chick with pink streaks have something going on though."

Charlie. Her name is Charlie. Gisele did seem to have this weird notion that Charlie had a massive crush on Leo.

"Just friends."

It seemed that Bennett's limit of feigning interest in another's life had been exceeded.

"Anyway, so recently Gisele keeps having things 'come up'. I'll be trying to plan a date and she'll say she's busy before I even tell her when. Oh, and then there's the sex. She's learnt something new, which was amazing at first because when she moves like that...shit...until I realised that I never taught her that."

Bennett stopped dribbling the ball, catching it in his hands and looking over at his opponent.

"You don't happen to know anything about that?"

"Listen, Gisele and I don't discuss fucking techniques. Maybe she saw it in a porno or movie and decided to try it out." After Bennett still didn't resume the game, Leo snatched the ball off him.

"Come on, give her some credit."

Bennett gave him an unsettling smile in response. "You're right. Besides, why would she want to fuck some other guy when she has me?"

He stole the ball back and shot it cleanly through the hoop.

"Victory tastes sweet."

He glanced back at Leo, smugness exuding his entirety.

"Good game man."

The only thing that sucked about screwing his best friend's girl, was that he had no-one to confide in about it.


He used to.

He was recording the temperature of the flask, when he felt someone move beside him.

As he turned, Rayna Sutherland gave him an all knowing look, before pushing her safety glasses up onto her head.

"You good? Don't think I could be any help, this whole thing is much more your department." Leonard resumed the task at hand, trying to ignore the eyes trained on him.

It wasn't that he disliked Rayna. She was Gisele's best friend after all. She was genuinely nice, the definition of an over-achiever and had the smarts to back it up. The fucking smarts.

Gisele had sworn that their affair was only knowledge of the two directly involved and no-one else. But the smarts. He had no idea what Rayna knew. Not to mention her tight friendship with Bennett, now that scared Leonard shitless. So his attitude towards her was justified. At least in his opinion.

"Pretending I don't exist, doesn't make me disappear unfortunately."

She was still there. Leonard begrudgingly stood away from the flask, focusing on the persistent girl.

"I don't mean to be rude Rayna, but people who lack the science talents to fly through the assignments have to actually try."

She shot him a grin.

"Interesting timing to care about your science grade. So, Gisele won't tell me what Bennett did this time round. And I'm curious." Rayna glanced down at his incoherent scribbles on the task sheet.



"Inconclusive. The results are inconclusive."

It took a second longer than it should have, before her words clicked for Leo. He bashfully scrawled a barely legible 'inconclusive' towards the bottom of the sheet. When he stood up again, Rayna gave him a sickly sweet smile.

"Now: Gisele, Bennett. You got time?"