Chapter 19

Seeing him standing on the sand, the giants ran towards him. Their feet treading on the water and causing waves big enough for Hye to need to climb on one of the trees surrounding him.

As the waves grew larger and the creatures approached, Hye jumped into the forest, soon followed by the monsters who, without any hesitation, ran over the trees.

A moment of silence ensued after the giants shook the forest with their steps, and, looking around, the two continued searching for the one they had seen before.

"Little man, show yourself. We won't hurt you... much. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!!"

As the laughter echoed, their hands moved the leaves around, allowing them to see the surroundings more clearly by clearing the trees from their path.

His foot lifted, stepping over the trees, and the moment it touched the ground again, a literally imperceptible wound was made on his side.

[The enemy has been poisoned by the venomous dagger]

The giant attempted to step again, but before his foot could reach the treetops, his knee hit the ground.

"Hey! What happened?"

His companion tried to lift him, however, with a sickly expression and unfocused gaze, blood expelled from his mouth and nose, the creature collapsed to the ground in moments.


The remaining giant rose. His widened eyes scanned every corner of the surroundings, yet nothing was found.

Suddenly, something hit the surface of his hand. A warm red liquid dripped from his fist, painting the trees below. His vision blurred and reddened significantly, as if something was being poured over his eyes.

Vain attempts at movement. His body was paralyzed. His arm wouldn't budge, and his legs trembled as his strength rapidly faded. His first knee went to the ground.

His mind raced along with his eyes, which, even seeing everything through a red filter, continued searching for the possible cause of it all. Anger filled him, and hatred dominated his mind along with fear, but as he choked on his own blood, speaking was not a viable option.

After a brief sway, a moment of instability, his next knee fell, causing his body to meet the ground and creating a large amount of dust that reached the middle of the surrounding trees.

Lying was unnecessary, for pain was not something he was feeling at this moment. Regardless of what it was, whatever was used against them acted so swiftly that he couldn't even feel the possible pains that could come. The reason behind his desire to find the culprit was simply due to the urge to pour his hatred on that person, even if mentally, as speaking was no longer possible.

His vision briefly darkened, and with one last glimpse through his eyes, the perpetrator could finally be seen. A being so small and seemingly fragile, walking calmly toward him as his blood flowed on the ground around.

'Damn...' was the only and last thing he could think.

Then everything went dark.


[Level 2 of the Tower of Six's first floor has been successfully completed]

[Level 3 will soon begin]

"It seems I was really right... Their weakness is poison."

A small whirlwind appeared in the air and gradually grew as mana slowly accumulated in front of the white doors. Crossing the golden hole, a hand emerged and reached for the doorknob of one of the doors.

"Oh, you finally arrived. Did you have a good night? Or rather, 'nights'? Seriously, five days is excessive, don't you think?"

Smiling, Lior spun in the air, clearing a path for the cushion that followed. He spun back and lay again on the couch.

Alyia sighed.

"Don't remind me... That boy seems to have divine luck."

"Let me guess."

Lior smiled, tilting his head.

"For dating you?"

His smile remained, and the cushion flew again towards him, easily dodged. But with a sudden change of direction, his face was covered, and his laughter disappeared too.

"Stop joking, I'm serious. Have you seen Auntie in the past few days?"

After removing the cushion from his face with some difficulty, smiling, Lior replied;

"No, why? Are you afraid she'll find out about your romance?"

No chance for resistance, the pillow stuck to her face again.

"Of course not, besides being busy, she must be totally annoyed right now. Especially after finding out that Mrs. Samantha was taken by a portal..."


Despite the scream, the sound was almost completely muffled by the pillow that Lior soon removed from his face again and held it over his legs with his hands.

"The secretary went through a portal? So..."

Alyia sighed, letting her body fall onto the armchair next to the sofa where Lior is.

"Yes, he was also there when it happened."

"Wow, really, it's 'divine' luck..."

Holding the cushion between his legs, Lior lay back again on the cozy couch.

"He spent five days with you, and then he was taken by a random portal... That guy is truly amazing."

The entire sofa flipped upside down.

"And what about what I asked you to do? Did you do it?"


His hands were the first to escape, followed by his head. With apparent effort, Lior continued trying to crawl out from under the couch.

"And where are they? In the training room?"

"No..., in my room. They were... checking out my weapons."

"Seriously? You let them stay alone in your room...? With all your weapons...? All of them?"

Lior stood up, stretching his back briefly.

"It's fine, only the training ones are in my room. And I needed some peace."

Climbing the invisible stairs to the second floor of the house, they walked through the seemingly endless corridor and entered one of the thousands of doors in the place. The room revealed itself grandly and perfectly, each object being exactly where it should be.

Opening the door next to the mirror, a beautiful garden extended before their eyes and...

"What the hell..."

Lior looked sideways. The blade embedded in the door between his head and Alyia's head glowed intensely.

"Sorry..." the twins said.