Chapter 17

While waiting for the egg to hatch, I asked Lucifer "do you know any way to kill that monster?"

Lucifer thinks for a while and says "well if you were strong enough you could just cut off his head, or burn him with hellish flames"

I, with a tone of indifference, answer "ok ok I know I'm not strong, but then, is there any way?"

Lucifer says "well you could ..."

Lucifer stops in mid-sentence, as the egg was about to hatch.

[3… 2… 1]

[Congratulations your egg hatched!]

[Would you like to form a link with him?]

[If yes, a name]

[Then your name will be: Iron]

[Bond formed!]

[Now you can communicate with him mentally]

As Iron jumped back and forth I asked Lucifer "so what are you going to say?"

And Lucifer replied "I was going to tell you to find a way to approach him, so that I could attack."

And I reply with a tone of debt "but what good would it do to attack him, since he feels nothing about my attacks?"

And Lucifer replies with a tone of impatience "his belly didn't have thorns, nor the same amount of scales where you were, did it?"

I started to remember that and saw that there really weren't that many scales on his belly.

After thinking for a while I went to look outside to look for the dragon, when I left the cave, there he was passing in front of the cave with that huge size.

Even though I knew there was no way he could see me, I hid myself out of sheer reflex, and when he finally finished passing in front of the cave, I spoke to Iron mentally so he would stay hidden there and then I would pick him up.

He was playing inside the cave while I went to try to approach the dragon.

Remembering the first time I faced the dragon, I saw that walking blindly looking for it wouldn't work out very well.

So I worried him first, to get close to him, and so get as close to his head as possible.

Finding him wasn't really a problem as he was on the ground, bigger than the trees.

I found the tail end of it, which was probably the safest place near it, and I followed it slowly, I was already walking for a few minutes and wondering if it would be endless.

Since I was walking and walking and not even getting close to where I wanted to go.

After walking for a few hours I finally found his head.

I thought he would be sleeping, but he was wide awake.

After trying to think of a way to attack his belly I just found 1.

I climbed the tallest tree to climb on top of it, but even the tallest tree still did not reach its height.

I tried to jump on him, and after a few tries I managed.

When I was on top of him I activated the invisible steps and started running towards his head, when I got close he started to take off and his body started to swing.

Thinking I was going to fall, I held on to a thorn in front of me, thinking that sometime it would stop rising.

As he was not stopping climbing, I decided to put the plan into action right there.

I took the daggers and used them to get as close to his belly as possible, when I was arriving I looked up, because it was night and for some reason it was clear from nowhere.

I went as quickly as possible behind one of the spikes on his body to protect me from the fire.

When the fire finally stopped I looked down and thought 'will take this for granted'

I wrapped the daggers in infernal flames, and jumped towards his belly.

When I got close enough, I put the daggers in his belly and dragged him to where he could, he tried to hit me with his claws, but thanks to the huge difference in sizes, I managed to pass between his claws, and all he could do was hurt himself. trying to hit me.

While I was deciding with the daggers engraved on his belly, he tried several ways to get me out of there, but they were all in vain, when I finally got close to the end of his body, he started to fall slowly.

So I took the daggers from his belly and jumped on the nearest tree, when I got to the ground I started running as fast as I could, because I knew the impact that his fall would cause would be huge.

And it was not for less, the impact was far beyond what I had imagined, the impact was so strong that it destroyed the entire forest and a little more areas.

After all that I went to get Iron and appeared

[Congratulations you have completed the fifth floor of the infernal tower]

[What reward do you want?]

[Generating reward]

[Your reward and…]

To be continued