Chapter 31

"Huh? What is it?"

[You received 5550 points! Because the person who completed the dungeon was not a player]

"Oh! This is a surprise! And good by the way! "

[You have leveled up x28]

[Current Level 210]

[You received the shadow army control ability]

[With this ability you can control the soul of your dead enemies]

[Heads up]

[Heads up]

[This ability can be merged with the shadow control ability]

[Do you want to merge the skills?]


[Merging skills]

[You gained a new skill: merging skills]

[With this skill you can fuse skills into which the power of the skill itself when combined]

[Fused skills]

[Result of merger: Lord of Darkness]

[With this ability in addition to creating and controlling an entire army made of shadows, you can place them within your own shadow]

[Other variations are]

[Night adaptation.

Generation of darkness: where you can absorb light in a space, and absolute darkness where anywhere you use it will be completely without light even planets, level required 850.

Umbracinetic Flight: with this ability you can fly using darkness.

Umbracinetic telekinesis: with this ability you can move objects at least twice their size, to move objects without the required size restriction level 950.

Invisibility of Darkness: with this ability you are invisible anywhere that has any shadow.

Aura of Darkness: with this you can frighten or oppress your enemies.

Portal creation: with this you can switch places with any shade of yours with a 10 minute cooldown at your current level, at level 350 you can use it without having to wait.]

'Do they have other skills that I can merge?' Thought Hye

But before Hye could see if he could, Lucifer appeared annoyed yelling "damn it! How can this guy be so lucky? "

But Lucifer did not remain irritated for long, because when he left the portal there was a wonderful table full of different types of food.

When he saw that Lucifer even forgot his anger.

As Lucifer ate he noticed that Hye and Mina were sitting across the table and asked "what are you doing here?"

"You were taking too long, so we decided to come and see what had happened." replied Mina

"Like this? How much time has passed? Asked Lucifer with a roasted chicken leg in his mouth

"I think it was like 8 or 10 hours." replied Mina

"How long did it seem to have spent there?" asked Mina

"I think about 6 hours." replied Lucifer finishing eating the chicken leg

"Ah! And what did you fight in there to score so many points? " asked Hye sarcastically and with a cynical smile on his face

"Keep that cynical smile for you to see." said Lucifer still eating

"What's going on between you two now?" asked Mina without understanding what was going on between Hye and Lucifer

"Ah! It is just that this miserable lucky man, won all the fruits of my hard work without doing anything. " said Lucifer looking a little irritated as he ate

"Like this? I'm still not able to understand. " says Mina still confused

"It is very simple! This lucky bastard who was out here doing nothing, took all the gains I would have for having closed the portal! " said Lucifer annoyed

"I don't understand why you're so angry, I didn't even know it would happen." said Hye still smiling

"But now it's serious! What did you fight in there to earn that much points and this skill? " asked Hye curious

"Well ... I think they were undead or rather shadows from different monsters." replied Lucifer

"Our! How many shadows were there? " asked Hye curious

"Over a hundred thousand." said Lucifer

"Our! I'm glad I didn't go. But is it the skill? What monster did she come from? " asked Hye still curious

"Huh? I think the name was dark lich, dark lich was something like that. "

"Oh no! I remembered the name was the shadow lich. " said Lucifer

"Is that lich was strong?" asked Hye

"Not really, I think I could even kill you."

"Or not! Since you would have to kill a hundred thousand shadows before he appears. " said Lucifer

Even though he was the one to ask, when Lucifer replied Hye was no longer paying attention to what he was saying.

The only thing that Hye had in mind after Lucifer answered his first questions was to see if the hellish and draconic flames could also be fused.

Hye was looking for the ability to merge among the others, but he couldn't find it, that's when he saw two symbols above the abilities of hellish and draconic flames were two flames with one more between them.

He clicked on more to see what would happen and appeared

[Do you want to merge the infernal and dragonfire skills?]


[Merging skills]

[Skills have been merged]

[Result of the merger: perfect flames]

[These flames reduced everything that touched ash and never extinguished.]

[User level too low!]

[At the current user level, it is possible to use the flames only twice a day!]

[The number of times increases when the user goes up 100 levels.

At level 900 the user can freely use the skill.]

"Damn it! Another limited one. " Hye said

"What do you mean, another limited one? What are you talking about?" asked Lucifer

"In addition to the dungeon skill you completed, I also gained the ability to merge other skills." Hye replied, half-down

"So far, I haven't seen anything bad. Only you are really lucky. " said Lucifer

"The bad thing is that they have several limitations and it seems that most are above the 800 level." said Hye crestfallen

"At least, isn't it? Stop being sad, it means that when you reach level 900 you will be the most stolen guy ever. " said Lucifer

"That it? Are you trying to comfort me? " said Hye being sarcastic and smiling

"Forget what I said." said Lucifer

Seeing that scene between Hye and Lucifer, Mina started to laugh without even realizing it, being carried away by Mina's laughter the two also started to laugh.

While the three were laughing happily, Mr. Jun (Min Jun) arrived saying "thank you so much for closing that dungeon."

"You don't need to thank me, since I still haven't forgotten what you promised me when I joined. It is promising and indebted, even to the devil. " said Lucifer

"Clear! Of course! I would never forget. " said sir Jun

"Wait! What promise are you talking about? " asked Hye

"I had promised him that if he closed the portal, I would take him out to eat as much as he wanted." spoke sir Jun

"More food!?" asked Mina scared

"What do you have?" said Lucifer

"But wait! If you are going to feed him as compensation. And the mountain house? " asked Hye

"Oh no! That is already yours! That was one of the reasons I took so long to come back, I was preparing this document. " spoke sir Jun

"What document is that?" asked Hye

"It is a document of transfer of goods, in this case, to transfer the mountain to your name." said sir Jun

"Eh! I have a question." Hye said

"Which?" says sir Jun

"Can you put the house in the name of the three of us?" asked Hye

"The three of us? Why the three of us? " asked Mina confused

"Well, the house would be mine anyway, since I don't know how long Lucifer will stay on the land, it's like everything that is mine and yours is better to put the house in your name soon too." said Hye smiling at Mina

Mina was embarrassed and in silence, it is in the midst of that silence Lucifer said "how come you don't know when I'm leaving? I don't intend to leave, until you go. Since I have a lot of fun when I'm with you. "

"So are you going to fill me for the rest of my life !?" asked Hye

"Exactly!… Wait! What? No!" said Lucifer

After that answer everyone laughed and Hye asked again "is it then! Has as?"

"What are you talking about?" asked Lucifer

"It is not up to you either! It's with Mr Jun. " Hye said

"Ah! Yea! Yea! Of course they can! " replied Mr Jun

"Then! How?" asked Hye

"It's just the three of you signing your names under each other on those lines." Mr Jun spoke

After all three signed their names, Mr. Jun asked, "Is your name really Lucifer?"

"I think it is better to let this story go." Hye said

"I'm sorry if I caused a problem. It's just that I found it strange. " said sir Jun

"It's not that! It's just that I don't think you would understand. " Hye said

"All right! Then! Anything else?"

"Are you leaving yet?" asked mister Jun

"Oh no! Thank you very much for your hospitality, but we are leaving now, since the portal has already been closed. " says Hye

"OK! So until next time. " spoke sir Jun

"No! Wait! How do you leave? Is it my food? " asked Lucifer

"Stop for free! You just ate a feast right now! Is it still want more? If you want you can stay. But I'm leaving. " Hye said

"Fine! Fine! Let's go soon. Are you satisfied? " said Lucifer

"Until the next Mr. Jun." said Mina saying goodbye

"Until the next Mr. Jun." said Hye saying goodbye

The two started flying, Lucifer alone following Hye, while Hye was taking Mina in his arms.