Chapter 39

'Even though I warned her, she didn't hear me, and continued to stay away from all the most powerful in the skies, thus becoming the ideal prey.'

"I already told you to be careful !."

Lucifer spoke with a tone of concern

"What are you so worried about, Luci?"

She asked a woman affectionately as she placed her hands on Lucifer's shoulders, as if she were going to hug him.

"There is nothing so dangerous in the world for angels, especially those of us who are archangels. You don't have to worry, I'll be fine. "

Said the woman as she put her arms gently around Lucifer, thus giving him a loving hug and speaking in Lucifer's ear "I'm fine but we have a big problem with you!"

Lucifer returning the hug and in doubt with the woman's words asked "am I in trouble? And what would these be? "

"Ah, Luci, are you serious? You are thousands of years old but you have never been involved with anyone, you have never fallen in love, there are several angels who would like to fix you. Why do not you try?"

The woman spoke as she put her hands on Lucifer's face and pressed her cheeks a little.

Lucifer knew that love between angels was allowed, but even after hundreds or even thousands of years, he never felt like feeling that feeling, he thought it was not necessary.

Until an archangel came who, like him, didn't feel very well when he was close to the other archangels, and that archangel was Angel.

Lucifer felt affection for Angel, but it didn't even come close to what others call passion, it was more like a love that you feel for a sister, and she was the only one who achieved that even after millions of years.

"I don't need this, and you know it very well.!"

Lucifer replied, taking Angel's hands off his face without showing that he was embarrassed.

"Really, Luci? That way you will end up alone. "

Angel spoke while having a light laugh.

"What are you laughing at? And I will not end up alone, I still have you. My beautiful little sister Angel. "

Says Lucifer, while placing one of his hands on top of Angel's head, and stroking gently.

"Little sister? Why little sister? We are almost the same age, with only a few seconds difference. And I already told you not to call me that! "

She said Angel as she removed Lucifer's hand from her head, looking a little irritated.

"Okay, don't be annoyed, because even with that small difference you still remain my little sister in my eyes."

Lucifer says as he puts one of his hands on Angel's head again and strokes it.

"Hmm! I still don't like being called that! "

She said Angel as she turned her head to the left, signaling that he didn't want to see Lucifer.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop calling you that, but you're going to have to do something for me."

Lucifer spoke, looking affectionately at Angel, and still stroking his head gently.

"Okay, what do you want? Do you want me to arrange a date for you? "

Angel asked as he smiled cheerfully at Lucifer.

"Not your fool, stop it!"

She said Lucifer while patting Angel on the head.

"Ouch! That hurt!"

She exclaimed Angel for having a little pain.

"Okay, okay, stop crying, aren't you an archangel?"

Lucifer spoke as he stroked gently where he himself hit Angel on the head.

"Now, what I need you to do for me and socialize."

Lucifer spoke while smiling at Angel

"Like this? I am very famous among angels, and I have several friends, different from a certain person. "

"Ouch! That really hurt! "

She spoke Angel after Lucifer again slapped him on the head for her words.

"That's not what I meant by genius. I meant for you to socialize among the archangels. "

Lucifer spoke looking at Angel with a small smile

"Why do you want me to do this, Luci? I already have you, and that's enough for me. Or is it that you don't want me around anymore? "

Asked Angel sad looking like she would almost cry

"That's not it, you don't have to cry."

Lucifer replied while stroking his head again

"So, why is it?"

Angel asked wiping away the few tears that came out of his eye in those seconds.

"And just to keep you safe."

Lucifer spoke as he smiled kindly at Angel

"Are you sure of what? I am an archangel, there is probably nothing in this universe that can kill me. "

Says Angel totally sure of his words and confident in himself

Lucifer knew that this could happen, because perhaps it is not a lie, perhaps there really was nothing in the entire universe apart from the old man that could kill us archangels. But the reality was different now, there was now a huge threat, which, incredible as it may seem, he helped to create.

"Maybe that's not it is totally true, perhaps there are other beings equally or even more powerful than the old man out there. So it is better to be cautious and ensure safety for now. "

Lucifer spoke with an excuse that he thought would probably work. And that oddly enough it worked.

"Okay, so I do what you're asking me to do, but on one condition."

Angel said with a small smile on her face

"A condition? Which?"

Asked Lucifer thinking about what this condition could be

"I want you to go on a date that I'm going to arrange."

Angel replied with a cheerful smile on his face

Lucifer realized that she had not believed his words, but wanted it from the beginning so with a smile on his face he replied "ok then, I accept. But this meeting will be after finishing the project for the creation of humanity. It might be?"

Lucifer put it to be at that time because until then he could find an excuse for not participating in this meeting that she would arrange. At least he wanted to have that chance.