Chapter 3.1

-What are you so afraid of? We just came from there. So what could it have been? Maybe it's just a stone, which fell from one of these holes in the ceiling.- Spoke the man, who wore the armor, as he looked at the various holes they had over their heads.

And Hye was still there, kneeling as tears streamed down his face. He hoped that he would feel even angrier the moment he entered the dungeon. But, as he muttered, he wondered -But why... Why can't I?...-

-During all these years, I've felt an indescribable hatred for this place... But, why now that I'm here, has this hatred disappeared?... - Hye muttered, while throwing weak punches, in the middle of the hole in the wall.

"Why?!" screamed Hye, at the same time he threw a punch, so hard, that even if it was just a little, and for an instant, it made much of the cave around him shudder. Or maybe it was caused, by something else.

Then, at the moment, when the hole in the wall got bigger, even more, thanks to the punch, for feeling something fast approaching. Hye suddenly looked up, and from those many holes they had in the roof, several ants came out, one after the other. Ants these, which were apparently 3 or 4 times larger than any human being.

And seeing those red beings coming towards him, by sheer reflex, and still kneeling. Hye moved his hand in which he carried the poison dagger, and with that simple swing. He easily killed several of those ants before they could even touch his feet to the ground.

[Calculating points earned!]

[You earned a total of 450 points!]

[You have leveled up!]

[Current level: 72

Total points earned: 2640]

Hye then stood up, while drying his tears, looking at the dagger in his hand, and thinking 'What was that? Was it really supposed to be this easy?'

Then, as he stared in amazement at the dagger, the ants around him ran towards him. But just as Hye was thinking about getting ready, to attack them again, screams echoed from inside the cave -Aaaaaahhh!!-

Then, hearing those screams, and with the ants coming towards him, suddenly Hye suddenly disappeared into thin air.

[1 mana was spent!]

[The invisible footsteps skill has been activated!]

[Name: Invisible Steps .

Utility: When used, the user can become completely invisible to their enemies.

Description: After this ability has been activated, enemies who are weaker than the user will not be able to see or feel it at all. Those who are more powerful will ò feel normally, but still cannot see ò.]

When Hye activated his ability, confused at the same instant, the ants stopped where they were. And Hye, who was standing right in front of one of them, thought he would be attacked at any moment. And so, his best option would be to leave that place.

However, before he could do anything, a scream came from inside the cave –Nooooo!

With this cry, all the ants that were around Hye ran quickly, in the direction he had come.

And who had screamed, a little further into the cave, was one of the girls in the group, who had one of his companions in her arms. The man, who was once proud of the armor he was wearing. But now, with one of his arms having been devoured, by one of the several ants, which were around him, instead of a smile, in his face, it was possible to see an expression that showed only and exclusively, his despair. But this was not limited to him alone, as his colleagues, who were increasingly surrounded by those ants, also saw almost no chance of survival.

And when even more ants appeared behind them, the chance that was almost nil became practically non-existent. Then, with his body shaking, more and more, as the giant ants in front of him approached. The man, who was the only one of the group, who carried a weapon of some rank, swallowed the saliva in his mouth, and with his eyes closed, he ran towards the ants, who were blocking the exit.

-Aaaaaahhh! - Shouted the man as he ran.

He thought, or rather, he knew, that as soon as he got close to those monsters, his death would be more than certain. However, to his surprise, he kept running until he bumped into something that would be like a wall. And when he opened his eyes, even in fear, he looked back, startled. He saw the frozen expressions of his colleagues as they looked in his direction.