
Carter Moretti

In all his glory stood a quite built might I add man, in a perfectly fitted, black suit. I let my eyes roam around his body, and making their way up to his face. The way his lips were parted, made my breath hitch up. My eyes made their way up to his eyes. Those eyes were the most beautiful, cobalt ones I’ve ever seen. It was like the world stopped around me as I just stared.

It took me a moment to realize that he was now staring back at me? That made me freeze, causing me to magically choke on the piece of chicken that entered my mouth. I stopped my music, pulling my head phones to my neck, coughing. I quickly grabbed a glass of water to drink. When all of them were settled down on the table again, I managed to calm down.

That piece of chicken decided to block my throat now?

"Sweetie are you alright?" Grandma's concerned voice filled my ears.

"Yeah," I let out between coughs. "I'm fine,"

"Please excuse my daughter's behaviour again. She tends to pull such stunts when she wants some attention," My mother laughed.

"Yes mother, I purposely let myself choke to death for your attention," My voice dripping with sarcasm, making Tyler cough out a laugh.

My mother pretended she didn't hear me, and continuing her conversation with Moira’s mother.

The dinner rolled on slowly. I stayed inaudible. No one knew how badly I wanted to sneak a few peaks at that gorgeous man, but I didn't want him to catch me staring at him. Again. I knew by now he would have carried is eyes away from me, to look at my sister. My admirable sister.

I was listening to everything around me, but no one knew that. They though the music was still flowing through my ear drums.

"Cameron won the Miss Florida beauty pageant last month," My mother boasted. I don't know why I was even listening to her conversation. I usually stop letting myself hear her the moment she lets Cameron's name roll out of her mouth.

"That's great," Moira sipped on her wine, showing the least bit of interest. I frowned at that. Who didn't want to know that? Mothers usually are very intrigued by the fact that my sister won many things. One of them is the title of being exquisite.

The lady started to let her eyes roam around the table, until they fell on mine. Keep in mind my mother was still talking about Cameron. Mrs Moretti gave me one strong grin. Making me frown even more.

Why was she grinning at me?

"You're Harmony right?" Her melodic voice cut off my mom, mid sentence. I noticed and felt his eyes turned to me too. I felt hot all of a sudden.

"Uh yeah" I answered even though it sounded like a question.

"So you love music?" I didn't answer her. I just blinked a few times to make sure she was actually talking to me. Silence fell through the room, waiting for me to answer, but I didn't. "I'm guessing you do," She pointed at the headphones. "That name really suits you," She complimented. I've never been complimented like that by anyone well of course except grandma, Tyler and Chloe. Other than that absolutely no one. That's why I didn't know how to act on it.

"Thank you?" I finally let out.

"Who is your favourite artist?" She asked, as if she was asking the most interesting human being on earth.

"I have no favourite," I answered quietly, looking down at my faltering hands. Why was I so nervous? She was just asking me a question.

"I know what you mean. It's like you can't choose between all of them right?" She cheerfully asked.

"Yeah," With the one word answers I was giving her, a smile still found it's way to my face.

"So you only love music? No other hobbies?" She continued. I wasn't used to the attention she was giving me at all.

I was so used to being left out. Ignored.

"Uhm no, I mean I love music but I also love horseback riding," I timorously said.

"Really?" She laughed. "Me too, I love horses. I used to be a show jumping rider back in the day. Do you have a horse?"

"Yeah, a black stallion," I grinned at the mention of my beautiful Juicy, and at the fact that she used to be a jumping rider.

"That's amazing. Maybe you can come over one day to ours with your horse and I can show you a few tricks," She grinned. My mother's eyes widened in disbelief as to why she would invite me. Me?

"That'll be cool," I didn't know what else to say. I mean no mother has ever personally invited me over to their house. They usually ignore me and continue to gossip with my mother and Cameron.

"Cool" She winked at me, making my grin deepen. Her grin dropped when my mother started to talk again. I bit my lip so hard to the limit where I thought it will bleed trying my best not to laugh, at her bored expression.

Mr. Moretti’s phone suddenly rang cutting my father off midway, he answered it. “Speak!” He demanded to whoever called him. “When?” He sighed. “We’re coming back home now.” He turned to his son and gave him a knowing look before getting up. “We’re leaving.” He stated.

“But you haven’t even had desert yet.” My mother sadly let out.

“Maybe next time Evelyn. For now we best get going.” Moira started before turning to me. “I look forward to seeing you again soon, Harmony.” She smiled, before following behind her husband. In that moment My eyes landed on Carter. His icy, distant, blue eyes were piercing through mine. I wanted to look away, daunted that he might find out my bottomless secrets. He gave me a slight nod-like gesture before leaving without a word with his sister skipping behind him.

I felt my face getting redder by the second. Was I blushing? Why was I blushing? Suddenly anger filled me. Why did I feel all tingly inside? I'm sure he didn't mean to nod. He didn't right? He wouldn't want my attention. I guess it was an accident.

"Harmony, do you want desert?" Grandma asked me, trying to get my attention.

"Of course she would want desert. All she ever does is eat. Haven't you noticed? You really put on weight. I'm surprised that jeans still fit you," My mother obliviously said, taking a sip of her glass of water. "You should try to be like Cameron, she hasn't even gained any weight since last year" May scoffed at my mother's words.

"She would never be like Cameron," May continued. My heart clenched when my mother let out a laugh as if May just gave out a joke.

I felt my eyes burn. Knowing that the tears would fall any second. I let out a louder laugh than both my mother and May combined, causing them all to stop laughing immediately.

"Of course I'd never be like Cameron, because that would mean I'd have to befriend a fucking bitch like you." I grinned, ignoring the gasps that came from her and my mother due to my amazing use of language. I got up from my seat, walking away from the table. I didn't even reach the hallway before the tears found their way down my face.

My lips started to quiver.

I ran up the steps into my room. The moment the door closed, I let out a loud sob. I slid down the door covering my mouth to stop my cries from being heard. I will not satisfy them with my cries of affliction. Why couldn't my mother love me? What did I ever do to her? Sometimes I question if I was really her daughter.

If you were, she would treat you better. She would treat you like Cameron. I told myself.

"Cookie?" My grandmother knocked on my door.

"Y-yeah?" I loudly answered.

"Sweetie, please open the door,"

"I'm fine grandma. You should go back downstairs and eat desert," I tried my best to let my sound strong, but anyone with ears would know that I was failing terribly.

"Harmony open the door. Please" She begged. I sighed, getting up and without waiting another moment I opened the door.

She briskly closed it, opening her arms for me to fall into My lips agitated once again, before a broken sob found it's way out my mouth.

"Oh sweetheart," She rubbed my circles around my back. No one knew how much I appreciated that a member of this family was comforting me.

"Why does s-she hate m-me, grandma?" I delicately asked.

"If only you knew the truth my sweet Harmony," My grandmother whispered.

"What?" I asked, sniffing.

"Nothing, now why don't you get some rest," She answered trying to dodge my question.

"No grandma. Tell me!" I pushed myself away from her arms. She sighed, looking down at her shaky hands.

"Harmony, you have to know that no matter what I will always love you, okay?"

"What do you mean grandma?" Baffled, I questioned.

"There are something's that are best kept a secret while other things are allowed to be told to others."

"Grandma would you please just clarify what your saying?" I Still confused.

"Uhm you see uhm what I was saying is that uhm-"

"Grandma Cherry please just tell me. Please. No matter how big this thing is I have to know. I have to know why my mother treats me the way she does. I have to. I've stayed so long thinking that I've done something wrong, and now your telling me that there might be another reason for it, then you have to tell grandma." I was determined to find out the truth.

She pulled my hands into hers giving then a light squeeze before saying something, no teenager, child or even a grown up would wish to hear in any lifetime.

"You're not who you think you are," She gulped letting her glossy eyes move to the window that was left agape. I was about to ask her what the hell she meant, but she beat me to it.

"Your father isn't-“ she sighed as if what she was about to say took all her energy out of her. “William isn’t your real father, sweetheart. I know what your thinking but I'm sorry it took so long for me to tell you." She sighed. I felt dizzy, but held myself the best I could as she continued.

"Your mother, she got into this huge fight with your father; my son one day. I really don't remember the reason. However it was big. She ran out of the house and didn’t come back. After sometime like we’re talking about months here, she ended up getting pregnant with you.

She didn't tell your real father she was pregnant with you though, the moment the problem was solved with your mother and my son, she immediately came back here as if nothing happened.” She closed her teary eyes.

I blinked a few times to process my grandmother's words. I had so many questions in my mind, but there was only one that left my mouth.

"Who is my father? M-my real father?" I whispered.

"Harmony, I'm sorry but I can't-"

"Grandma please. I need to know" It was my turn to beg for an answer. An answer that'll put some sense to everything.

"His name is Christopher, Christopher Snow,"


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