
Their Beach House

"Please, do come in." He smiled opening the door widely.

"Thanks." I let out.

"Hello, Mr. Moretti. You father asked to see you in his office as soon as you came back." His expression suddenly got serious, making Carter sigh.

"I have to go I'll see you later." With that he walked away.

"Right this way Miss White." He led as I followed. The beach house's interior was another story by itself. It was spectacular. Everything look so exquisite, yet easy on the eyes. Everything was white with a touch of golden and brown. The blending of the colours made the house look so alive. We walked for what seemed a like good five minutes before he opened yet another set of double doors. The living room. "Mrs. Moretti will be with you shortly, make yourself at home." In a blink he was already gone.

The living room was different. It was surely white, however there were different sets of purple and white roses in more vases than I could count. I loved roses so much, I couldn't fight the smile as I leaned in to my right and inhaled the scent of the roses in one of the vases.

Roses symbolise love, to be specific purple roses hold so much meaning. Enhancement being one of them.

Being my curious self I started to look around. The french windows made the interior of the living room much more breathtaking. They were surely wide giving me a good view of the beach.

The perfect amount of light shone through the room. I walked to the massive windows to closely take a look outside.

“Welcome Harmony. I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting. Carter told me you were coming only an hour ago.” Wait what? Didn’t he tell Grandma that she invited me over? I turned around to Moira Moretti. She wore a black pencil skirt and classy white blouse.

She stood tall in her heels. She looked somewhat like my mother with her outfit but she was one hundred percent not my mother.

“It’s okay if you want reschedule. I don’t mean to intrude.” I answered back, thinking on ways to kill Carter for putting me in this position.

“Oh sweetheart, No! I’m so happy you’re here. I’m the one who asked you to come over during dinner, didn’t I?” She grinned back at me. Her grin was contagious I found myself smiling back at her.

“Please, please do sit down.” I walked over to where she was seated on the grey couches and got comfortable myself.

“Your house is very beautiful.” My smile never left my face. I felt at ease as I found myself not faking it at all.

“Thank you Harmony. It took some time to perfect it but I made it. So, how is your summer going?”

“Well if you’re expecting me to say amazing I’d be lying.” I’m sure she heard how my tone changed.

“Are they really giving you that hard of a time at home?” She frowned.

“No offence Mrs. Moretti, but why did you invite me to come over out of everyone that night during dinner?” She smiled softly when it became clear that I’ve changed the subject.

“Sweetie call me Moira please and to answer your question let’s just say you remind me so much of myself when I was your age.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Are you hungry? You must be hungry. Randy is preparing something for you I’m sure you’ll love it.” I playfully rolled my eyes. She changed the subject too to give me a taste of my own medicine. Ha ha.

The time flew as Moira and I talked about everything and nothing. She gave my unwilling self a tour of the house, forced to eat more things than I can count not that I was complaining, she excitedly clapped her hands as she realized how much I loved roses and finally she took me to her art studio. Every painting, every drawing had a story that only the eyes would understand.

She talked so fondly of her husband and children. I didn’t say a word I was more of a listener, I loved listening to every word she said. She was very funny too. We were back in the beautiful living room, her and I were laughing about one of her stories of when she was in university and Mr. Moretti was being his possessive self as she put it, caused the guy she went on a date with to come to class the next day with a black eye.

“Mommy! Mommy!” Just then Lily came running into her mother’s arms. “Mommy look at my new drawing.” She basically shoved the paper in her mother’s face. Lilly was a splitting image of her mother, from the hair, the eyes to her nose and lips.

“Let me take a look.” Her mother grinned. “Oh my darling, this is so beautiful I love it. Come here.” She embraced her tiny daughter in her arms. Lily soon realized I was sitting right there.

“Uh Mama, who is that?” She whispered, but I’m sure that’s what she thought she was doing because I heard her.

“Sweetheart, this is Harmony.” She got out of her mother’s embrace and came to stand infront of me.

“Hi Har-mony, I’m Lily.” She was adorable, I found myself laughing at how she pronounced my name.

“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I smiled.

“Look! Har-mony! Look at my drawing.” She was so excited.

I gasped the moment she showed me the paper for extra effect. She drew a princess holding what seemed to be a frog? No a wand? Maybe a phone?

“You did this? By yourself? This is amazing. No you’re joking, I’m sure you stole this from an art museum.” I playfully narrowed my eyes.

“No No I did it.” She giggled. We all heard ruffled noises and footsteps coming from the hallway. She quickly ran with her paper out the room. The moment we heard her distant voice scream “Daddy! Daddy look at my drawing.” Her mother and I burst out laughing.


I was back home, on my bed. I couldn’t sit downstairs with Tyler and Chloe arguing again so I just hid myself as usual.

I was still somewhat disappointed that Carter didn’t take me back home. Humphrey suddenly showed up telling us that the driver was waiting for me just as I told Moira that I had to get back home before Grandma would start blowing up my phone. That wasn’t true, I just had hopes that I would see Carter.

As usual I was listening to music to try to get my mind off of him.

The moment I listened to the bridge of the song, my breathing became craggy. My mind registered back on what happened today between him and I. I don't know why I can't just forget about what happened?

Oh I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the fact that you just experienced you're first kiss? My smart ass conscious answered back.

Oh God! How could I have been so stupid. Carter did just steal my first kiss today. Well he didn't technically steal it, because I did give it to him willingly. Didn't I?

I wish Cameron didn’t want him. I wish he would have told me to stay no matter what the consequences were. I wish I wouldn't have stopped him, maybe we would still be in each other's arms. But, I know nothing I've ever wished for has ever come true. Nothing.

Instantaneously, the music demised as a blast of assonance was born.



Was plastered on my phone's home-screen. I frowned since I never give strangers my number. While questions flew in and out of mind the ringtone came to a standstill. Then commenced again.

This went on for over three times, before this nameless person's fifth try ended, I gathered up as much courage as I could and pressured my finger to slide on that coruscating green button.

"H-hello?" I was first to speak, hoping the person on the other end of the line wasn't a serial killer.

Oh get a grip Harmony, why would a serial killer call you of all people?

"Good evening, Harmony." A lady greeted me, with a voice as modulated and orotund as one's should be. But what alarmed me was the actuality of her knowing my name.

"How do you know my name?" I blurted out at once, without thinking, making her laugh out loud.

"It's rude to not know the name of one of my clients."

"Excuse me? What do you mean one of your clients?"

"Do you not know who I am?" Bewilderment masked her voice.

"If I knew I wouldn't be asking now, would I?" Impatiently for an answer I questioned.

"Sarcasm won't get you anywhere, little lady."

"We'll answer my question then, who are you?"

"I'm Silver Grome." She answered me in the boldest tone I've ever heard.


"I'm Silver Grome," She repeated. "I'm a P.I. Your grandmother already filled me on the basics. I'm calling because I believe I'm the one who can help you find you're father." My jaw dropped the slip second she finished that sentence.


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