
My Mind

“I'm deaf, But that don't mean blind, All of my dreams came to life, You've been sipping on my mind, That's cause I'm so satisfied. It's alright..” - My Mind by Zubi


I didn't look at him in the eye after that moment we shared. I don't know whether I was shy or scared to, I just kept staring down at my shaky hands. It was silent during the two minute car ride to the house, I didn't really know what to say to him.

Once he stopped parallel the front door, he turned to stare at me. I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn't have the guts to look back at him. Before I could stop it, my face turned bright red from the full attention he was giving me.

"You're so cute when you blush" He spoke, with his voice laced with amusement. I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness, but that didn't cause my heart rate to decelerate.

"I better g-go, uhm Grandma Cherry, Tyler and Chloe are probably up and basically looking for me so.." I cleared my throat, awkwardly saying. His hand grabbed nine, before I had the chance to step out of the car.

"What? No goodbye kiss for me?" He smirked. My blush deepened, as he pulled me closer and kissed me like there was tomorrow. By the time I walked through the front door I was gasping like a breathless dog, who ran a five mile.

Even with that I couldn't help but grin. I haven't felt this happy in my life.

"Where have you been?" My mother's graceful voice filled my ears. Please note the huge sarcasm there.

"Out," I rolled my eyes. I will not let her ruin my mood.

"Watch your tone with me young lady, I am your mother, not some worthless crap for you to talk to me like that," She fumed.

"Well you sure had me fooled." I maliciously said.

"Listen to me you ungrateful child, I will not tolerate further audaciousness in my house. If I hear one more word coming out of your mouth that I dislike, you will, I repeat will be on house arrest for the rest of the summer. Am I understood?"

"Of course your highness," I playfully bowed my head, just so I could show how unaffected I was. Before she could even give me another round of her screaming sessions, Grandma came down the stairs.

"Oh would you stop shouting at my poor granddaughter. It's only 10 o'clock for God's sake." My mother did nothing but roll her eyes and mutter a few words I couldn't quite catch and frankly didn't care to.


"I really want to go do my nails today," Chloe sighed.

"I agree, your nails look detestable." Tyler answered back, only to get battered right in the face with one of the small pillows that sat on my bed.

We were all sitting in my room, getting ready for movie night, more like day. Tyler has been begging us to watch 'Horrible Bosses 2' with him. I mean I didn't really complain much, a little comedy never hurt nobody.

"Tyler you've seen this movie like three times already. I don't understand why you're watching it again." Chloe whined.

"Only because it’s hilarious?"

''The only reason I’m not complaining further is because I get to watch Chris Pine. Damn how he does unspoken things to me.” Chloe gasped fanning herself.

"And those things should remain unspoken of." Tyler cut her off shivering. I would have jumped into the conversation, but sometimes watching these two is just to damn fun.

All of us were watching the movie begin. I was about to start talking about how I love a brunette Jennifer Aniston more than blonde Jennifer Aniston when a sudden succession of shrill rings cut the silence instead of my voice.

I was about to tell Tyler or Chloe to answer their phones to basically shut the thing up, but I suddenly noticed that my pocket was vibrating. I slowly took out my phone staring at the foreign number, not knowing how to react. Again? I thought I saved Silver’s number.

I mean the only people who have actually ever call me were Tyler, Chloe, Grandma and now Silver Grome was recently added to the list.

"Answer the damn thing already." Chloe groaned, her eyes not leaving the screen. Finally I gathered up as much courage as I could to answer the phone.


"Took you long enough to answer me?" My eyes widened, as my heart rate started to increase. "Harmony?" I got off the bed and basically speed walked to the balcony, making sure to lock the windows. "Harmony? Are you still there?" Carter's voice sent chills up and down my spine.

"Yeah, I'm here" I whispered after what seemed like a billion years. "How did you get my number?" I quickly fired at him, before he had the chance to ask me anything.

"I always get what I want, and what I wanted was to hear your voice, and that's what I got."

"How flattering," Sarcasm filled my voice, making him chuckle.

"You should be flattered, after all I did go through all that trouble, just to get your number."

"What do you want, Carter?" I sighed.

"You really are an impatient person," I was about to ask him the question again, but he answered me before I could. "I'm calling because I wanted to know if you were free tomorrow night?" I had knew where this conversation was going, but I didn't want to get my hopes up.

"Maybe and maybe not." My words this time made him laugh.

"Playing hard to get, sure does suite you."

"I'm not playing. I am hard to get," I was even surprised by the boost of confidence that filled me at that moment. He laughed so loudly, I couldn't help but grin.

"So you are free or not tomorrow night?" He asked yet again.

"Depends on why you're asking." I continued.

"Well, I'm asking because I want to take you out on a date." My heart stopped beating, as I stood gridlocked. Was he serious or was he just fooling around with me?

"A date?" I asked skeptically. I have never been on a date before. Ever. I've seen Chloe and Tyler go on dates more times than I can count, but nobody has ever asked me. I didn't know what to say or do.

"What do you say Harmony? Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" Inarticulateness filled both ends of the line. "You know if you don't want to go out with-"

"Yes," I blatantly gave my answer before I could block it from running out of my mouth.

"Wait what?" Dismayed, described his tone perfectly. I don't really blame him, I'm even shocked I said yes.

"I said yes."

"Oh wow okay. I wasn't really expecting you to say yes. I thought I was going to have to come over and beg or send you about seventy red roses for you to accept." I couldn't hold back the laugh, I've been holding in. His sounded way too worried.

He continued to tell me that the location of the date is top secret, and that I should wear casual.

Like I know what that's supposed to mean. This officially concludes that I have to tell Tyler and Chloe about this, not that I won't or anything. It's just I'm seriously not ready for the reaction they would give me.


I think reality really hit me hard, when I came to grasp the fact that Carter is in a way Cameron's? Carter already told me he didn't want her, but I don't know why there was that voice in my head telling that there was something very wrong about me going on this date.

A part of me was worried, it’s the first time I’ve felt this way so fast about someone. I felt like everything was happening so fast.

It was late at night now, Chloe couldn't stop squealing when I told them about the date. It was terrible. It even reached the point where Chloe started crying because she was so proud of me?

I don't even know...

Tyler on the other hand was silent. He didn’t really say anything, not that I was waiting for him to. He just continued watching whatever movie they decided to watch after.

When it was late at night, they left to go sleep. I slowly grabbed my headphones and put them on my ears, before pressing the play button. Zubi’s voice rushed into my ears. I closed my eyes to listen, but I couldn't help but sing along to his words.

I'm scared. I must define. Won't let go of my pride, I know I've been criticised. It's ok. It's all a disguise, It's all that I am

It's all that I see with these eyes...It's all that I know in my mind...


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