
Heartbeat Song

"This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it, Been so long I forgot how to turn it up, up, up, up all night long, Oh up, up all night long..." - Heartbeat Song by Kelly Clarkson.


"I can't believe you did that!" I laughed through the phone. Carter was on the other end, making me laugh my heart out. I don't exactly know where the conversation was heading, but I cherished the fact this became a routine.

Him calling me the moment I woke up and right before I went to bed, was what he did everyday since I blew him off.

"Believe it babe. So have you decided yet or not?" The sudden seriousness of his voice sent shivers down my spine. He seemed impatient to see me.

"Decided on what?" I knew exactly what he was talking about, yet still decided to play dumb.

"Harmony," He groaned. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. It already been a week and you still haven't given me an answer." I smiled at how irked he sounded.

"Okay fine, I'll put you out of your misery." I playfully said.

"Really?" Dumbfounded, he asked.

"Well how can I say no when you've ordered for me the bouquets of flowers, chocolates from Belgium and the list goes on and on. I mean I get the fact that I told you to try a little harder to get me to agree to go on a date with you, but what I don't understand is why you would get me these very expensive-" I continued blabbering but before I went into full-rant-mode Carter cut me off.

"It's because you're worth every penny I've got," The moment that sentence left his mouth, I froze. "You don't realise how happy I am right now." He whispered.

"So am I." I managed to let out. Suddenly loud voices were heard from his side of the line. I could hear him getting frustrated with whoever it was he was speaking to. More like whoever he was ordering.

"I'm really sorry Harmony. I have to go, Dad decided it was okay to leave me in charge of the company today," hearing him sighing again through the phone I couldn't help but smile. "I'll pick you up tomorrow at noon for our special second date. Bye baby." With that he ended today's phone call.

I couldn't get over the his ‘baby’. That word alone was a little too much for my heart to handle. I couldn't help but get out of my bed and start to squeal. He really does bring out the girl in me.

"Whoa! What is going on in here?" Chloe raised an eyebrow as she barged into my room. Her question made me roll my eyes, but I couldn't help but tell her.

"I just got of the phone with Carter," I started. The moment she heard Carter's name, her eyes lit before she shut the door and grabbed me to sit on the bed.


"Like every other morning he asked me if I made up my mind about the second date-"

"Please tell me you said yes? I mean c'mon you need to put him out of his misery already." She impatiently asked.

"As a matter of fact I did say yes." I'm surprised her squealing didn't cause my eardrums to detonate.

"Did he tell you where he was taking you?"

"Nope. He said it was a surprise," I couldn't help but roll my eyes before resuming. "All he said is that he'll be picking me up tomorrow at noon. I mean he didn't even tell me what kind of date it'll be. Oh God! How will I know what to wear? Oh this is going to be a disaster-"

"Hey! Calm your titties girl, everything is going to be okay. I'm sure it's not going to be a formal date because he said he'll pick you up at noon. So that means your going somewhere that requires causal clothing."

"Are you sure about this? I mean I don't want to be underdressed you know?"

"Do you know who you're talking to? Of course I'm sure boo." She grinned.

"I'm just nervous I don't want to seem desperate or anything."

"Ha! After a week of what you made him go though, desperate is the last word he'll be thinking you are," She laughed. "Anyway, how about we both go and have a spa day? And maybe change your hair up a bit because sweetheart your hair is a disaster." Her face twisted in disgust, causing me to frown. I didn't really answer her back, since a spa day didn't sound too bad.

"But what about Tyler?"

"Oh I actually don’t know. I haven’t seen him all day. He’s probably in the kitchen pestering the chef." I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yep that’s Tyler”.

“Get dressed because we'll be leaving soon." I sighed, making my way to the bathroom.


You, where the hell did you come from? You're a different, different kind of fun, And I'm so used to feeling numb.

Carter was on my mind the whole time. He just magically appeared in my life. Out of nowhere, he was just there.

Now, I've got pins and needles on my tongue, anticipating what's to come, like a finger on a loaded gun...

I couldn't wait to see where he would be taking me. A huge part of me knew that no matter where he chose to take me I would still love it. Because all I ever wanted to do was to see him. Carter; The only one who can make my heart burst.


The whole day with Chloe was spent at the spa. Nothing sounds better than being pampered all day. Now when it came down to my hair, Chloe started to shout out ideas at me.

After Chloe finished negotiating with my now smirking hairstylist, I couldn't help but have an internal mini-nervous-breakdown. I'm sure every girl has experienced one of these.

"Okay cutie, you just sit back, relax and let me do all the work." Xey, the hairstylist spoke.

I don't know how long it took, but let's just say my butt went numb. Finally after waiting for more than two hours I was finally allowed to catch a glimpse of Xey's masterpiece.

The moment I looked at the mirror I couldn't look away. Xey highlighted every other strand of my blonde hair amber. It looked beyond amazing.

I certainly looked different. But I loved it. After being showered with compliments by Chloe and Xey it was finally time to go home.

Since Chloe stole the driver's car, we were able to drive and leave the house unnoticed. Not that I ever get noticed really.

Out of the blue, My phone buzzed. A part of me was petrified that it might be Silver. I slowly looked down at my phone only to have all my worries washed away.

It was a text from Carter.


New Message; June 20, 2014, 7:01 P.M.

From; Carter.

I've been thinking about you all day. I can't get your beautiful smile out of my mind. - C.


I didn't respond to his message, I didn't know what to say. Chloe noticed how crimson my face went causing her to smirk. She didn't ask me why which I am forever thankful for.

She began to rant about how her first experience shopping at the new makeup store went a few days ago. I would go into details but I wasn't really paying attention.


"The’s been waiting for you for more than twenty minutes. I would usually come up to inform you this but I really bare the awkward silence." Tyler rolled his eyes. I walked slowly to the door, to say I was nervous would be a huge understatement.

"But wait maybe I need to change my clothes I don't think they look-" I nervously started.

"Shut the fuck up, Harmony. If you go back to your room and change one more time I will personally castrate you," Chloe frowned. She pulled my arm out the door and down the hallway. Tyler was dragging himself behind us. He hasn’t really commented on the fact my second date. No that he usually does but it isn’t like him to basically treat this as if it isn’t something of importance to me.

As I got to my last step, I came face to face with him. Carter. My heart began to skip a few beats, my face began to feel feverous, with that goosebumps camouflaged my whole body.

"Harmony? Wow!" Shocked was an understatement of what expression his face held. He began to speak again, but as usual was cut off by Tyler.

"Why don’t you both get this over with.” With that he walked away making me frown. What was wrong with him?

"You look so beautiful as always." Before I could control it, I felt my cheeks get even warmer.

"Awh look at the two’a you love birds," Chloe squealed, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I think we better get going now," Carter stated. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah I am." I nodded.

"Okay have fun you two," Chloe smiled. "Oh and please be careful I don't want to be an aunt just yet."

"Oh God! Chloe!” I groaned. "C'mon Carter let's go ." I pulled his hand in mine before walking out the door.

"You're cute when you're annoyed." Carter couldn't stop laughing at how embarrassed I was.

"Shut up," I muttered. "Anyways are you going to tell me where we're going?"


"Why not?" I frowned.

"What's the point of me calling it a surprise if I'm going to tell you?"

"It's okay you can tell me. I'll even act surprised when we get there."

"Haha No!" He looked amused at how hard I was trying to get an answer out of him. I didn't say anything after that, I just sighed and stared out the window. Of course he took that as a sign to start telling me about how his week went and I loved every second of it.


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