
Recurrences & Meetings

“You know glaring even harder out the window, is not going to make me drive faster princess.” He chuckled. Something about this scenario made me think of Carter and I's first ride to their beach house.

“I told you to stop calling me that.” I rolled my eyes for the billionth time since we left.

“I don’t see why you would want me to stop. I used to always call you that and you never had a problem with it before.” The tone of his voice changed. He was suddenly serious. I could not help but gulp then turn to look at him. When?

“When was before exactly?” I asked more like mumbled the question before I could stop myself.

“Well if I remember correctly since you were in grade school.” He stated.

“I don’t remember.” I retorted back, it was almost a whisper.

“How about we get us some ice cream while I try to refresh your memory. Would you like that?” He asked nicely.

“You would do that?”