
He pushed me by the locker. My back pressed against the lock. His face was near to mine. I looked down.His lips were pursed.

I could feel his breath on my face.


It felt nice.

I looked up and his eyes met mine. I don't know why but I was really scared. I knew he wouldn't hurt me but his eyes said something else. They were... hungry. I could see anger, hunger, rage ,everything mixed up in there. I don't know what he is thinking. I couldn't look away. But I felt nervous.

He breathed a long sigh. This time his breath fell on my collar bone. I felt goosebumps all over my body. His hand reached out to touch my face. I turned my face to the opposite side. I wouldn't be able to control myself.

I closed my eyes tightly. His fingered bordered behind my ear and then through my jaw finally resting on my lips. He rubbed my lips with his finger and replaced the finger with his thumb.

"You have wonderful lips. Like a girl's. Kissable." His thumb still rubbing against my lips. "

He closed in on me. His legs pressed against my legs.

I felt weak on my knees. I had to push him away before I do something irreversible.

I put my hand against his chest and pushed him away. They were rock hard probably from working out.

My hand lingered there for a second.

He looked serious. Like he was grasping the situation.

"I need to go" I managed to say, and left the locker room. I heard him sigh.

I went to my desk, picked up my books and left.

I almost made a mistake today. How can I do that? He is a bully who hurts me. And he can have any girl he wants.

He is just doing this to tease me. I convinced myself not to fall for his pranks again.

But only if it was real...