
Next day, Damien was seated on his desk when Lucas entered the classroom. He was as tall as Damien, Lean and athletic .

Damien caught himself staring at Lucas. Damien thought Lucas looked like a model. He caught himself staring at Lucas again.

This was not going in the right direction.

He quickly looked away as Lucas got closer. He stayed that way until Lucas was on his desk.

The class went on. Lucas never looked at Damien. And the reason Damien knew this was because he was staring at Lucas whole day. He didn't like the fact that this guy acted as if he did not exist. Damien was the best in the school. Number one. How dare some new face pretend he never existed.

After school, Damien followed Lucas through the back alley. He planned to teach Lucas a good lesson so that he won't ignore his presence. A little scare would do him good. He would stay under control just like everyone else.

That was the plan. However the plan never took flight because all Damien could see was Lucas mindlessly crossing the road and a car that was speedily heading up his way.

It was instinct. Damien threw himself over Lucas and rolled to the side of the road. The car sped by without stopping . Lucas looked around in confusion. He didn't understand what just happened.He was lying on the road and Damien had his hands covered over his body.

"Damien, Get off me." Lucas tried to get up, pushing Damien's hands away. But as soon as he lifted his body, Damien cried in pain.

Lucas had fallen on top of Damien's right hand. All the pressure and impact of the fall must have hit Damien's hand.

Lucas tried to lift Damien's hand but Damien shook his head warning him not to touch his hand

"Aah.." was all Damien managed to get out.

"Bear with it for a moment" Lucas said as he lifted Damien up and took him to the nearby hospital.

"Why did you do that?" Lucas asked Damien while the nurse was cleaning up after putting the plaster.

"I don't know. I don't even like you." Damien sighed. The nurse looked at both of them and left the room.

"And why were you following me?"

"I wasn't following you. Why would I? " Damien said defensively.

Lucas decided not to pursue this any further. He didn't want anything to do with this smarty ass in front of him.

"I am leaving. Should I call you a Taxi?" Lucas asked.

"Leaving?Taxi? Do you even know how I am going to survive from now on? I won't be able to do anything alone."

"Oh for God's sake! Don't act so pitiful. I never asked you to save me. And what can I do now? You meddled and broke it on your own. It's none of my business."

"None of your business?" "You are right. I shouldn't have meddled. It's okay you leave. I will go home on my own." Damien touched his hand and winced in pain.

Lucas saw him wincing and felt bad. Afterall this guy saved his life and he didn't want to owe him anything .

" Okay. I will help you out till your hand heals. But don't try anything funny. I am only doing this so that I don't owe you. I am going to get the bill settled. Come out in a minute"

Damien's inner demon smiled.

It worked.

It was an opportunity thrown to him by God. This is how he is going to control Lucas . Now he will stop having the uneasy feeling. There would be no one who would ignore his existence any longer. He saw an opportunity and he took it.

"Now you wait and see what happens. I will make you into my slave" Damien thought while his brain started churning out so many ways to torture Lucas in the next few days.