WebNovelHer Fate53.57%

Chapter 14

Emma went home sad that day. She tried as much as she could to get some sleep, but she couldn’t as she tossed and turned.

She gave up trying to fall asleep and sat up on the bed. When she looked at the time, it was 2:25am.

‘Oh God, what kind of mess have I gotten myself into?

I can’t back out now, if I do I’ll end up losing Raymond.’ she thought to herself, as she curled herself in a ball and cried.

“What do I do now? Mom, Dad, why did you both have to leave Ray and I alone? It’s not fair.” She sobbed.

After spending some time to cry, she decided to stop crying and wipe the tears from her face.

“I have to do it for Ray, he’s all I have left in this world and I don’t want to lose him. I have to be strong for the both of us.”

Monday morning came too quickly for Emma, because that is the day Tracy had said they would meet, so she’ll have a makeover and start her job as an impersonator.