WebNovelHer Fate67.86%

Chapter 18

Richard woke up the next morning and took a quick shower. He came out of the bathroom, glad that Tracy hadn’t woken up yet. He quickly got dressed and headed downstairs.

“Good morning sir, breakfast is ready.” Anna greeted.

“I won’t be having breakfast. Could you please make me a cup of coffee?” Richard told Anna.

“And oh, Anna… Please tell Victor to get the car ready.”

Richard didn’t want to run into Tracy after last night’s encounter, things were awkward between them and he couldn’t risk going through that again this morning. He hurriedly drank his coffee and said goodbye to Anna.

Emma woke up to find only her on the bed. She had never slept this comfortable in her life. She looked at the clock and saw that it was already 7:00am.

“Oh my God! How did I sleep this long?”