Emma has been crying for hours. She kept remembering all the times she had spent with her little brother, how they used to play together and how he’d come to her room to spend the night whenever he was scared. She couldn’t believe that after much effort to save his life, he still didn’t make it, was she that horrible as a sister? Emma thought. She didn’t want anyone bothering her that was why she refused answering the door whenever Anna came to check on her.
Richard came home quite early that day. He needed to rest, because his client’s case was further adjourned to next month. On his arrival home, Anna welcomed him and told him that Tracy received a call earlier today and went out, but when she came back, she had gone straight to her room and hasn’t come down since then. She was worried because Tracy hasn't eaten all day and she hoped she hadn’t done something dangerous to herself because it looked like Tracy received some bad news.