Chapter 22

Michelle woke up the next morning and found herself on the bed, in their bedroom. The last thing she remembered was being in the living room with Nathan.

The thought of last night brought butterflies to her stomach. Michelle wondered how she got here. Noticing now that she was in her night dress, made her realize that Nathan was behind it.

She smiled at the thought of last night as she stared at her finger. She was now engaged to Nathan.

Michelle was still staring at the ring on her finger when the door to their bedroom opened, it was Nathan with a tray of food in hand. He was shirtless as always, only wearing a black sweatpants. He smiled at her, seeing she was now awake.

“Good morning beautiful.” He said, placing the tray of food in front of her.

“If I remember correctly, my birthday was yesterday. So.. what’s the occasion?” she asked, gesturing at the tray.

“I figured you’d be too tired to come down for breakfast. So.. I decided to bring it up myself.”