WebNovelThe Ex90.48%

Chapter 19

Scott returned home quite late, he walked into the room and noticed that it was in a mess.

“What the hell happened here?!” he asked, surprised at the much damage that had been done to the room.

Laura managed to drag herself up and walked up to him.

“Can we talk?” she said.

“I told you not to wait up for me, didn’t I?”

“I got worried Scott, you weren’t picking any of my calls and still weren’t back home, so I decided to stay up just to be sure you're okay.”

“Well, I told you I was going to be working late, that should be reason enough for you to know that I won’t be home early.” he replied, his eyes still looking at the messy room.

“You keep late nights these days and expect me not to be worried?”

“So you decided to make a mess of the room because of that?” he said dropping his briefcase beside him and placing both arms in his pocket, scowling at her.

“What has come over you Laura?” Scott angrily asked.

Laura was startled by his question.