
Chapter 3

School starts as usual. I go to school with Leo and as we're arrived, Leo straightly goes towards Blake and I'm walking to my class alone when suddenly someone taps on my shoulder.

"Good morning Luna” Jake greets me with his smile.

"Good morning Jake" I smiled back at him and he asked whether can he walk with me to our class and I said yes.

We enter the class together and I see Edward is leaning against the teacher's desk. He looks up to meet my eyes and his lips form a smile but then his smile slowly turns into a frown when he sees Jake beside of me.

He walked towards us with his hand in his pocket. "I bring you some cookies this time" Edward smiles as he takes out some cookies from his pocket and gives it to me.

"Thank you Ed!" I thanked him and as I want to walk away, I see Edward is pushing Jake using his shoulder as he gets out from the classroom.

Maybe he needs to go to the restroom. I don't really mind about it.


During our math class, the teacher is giving out our math results. I'm pretty nervous about it since I'm not that good in math.

Edward scored a B on his math test and I'm hoping I'll pass too. When the teacher hands me my result, I get so down and disappointed when I see that I failed my math.

Edward looks at my paper and he sighed. Then he wraps his hand around my shoulder to comfort me.

"It's okay.. You can do better next time" He said with a concern look.

"That's all for today class. Congratulations for those who passed. And for those who failed, please do study" The teacher said and she left the classroom.

I just let out a heavy sigh then my head look up when I feel someone is standing beside me.

"You failed?" Jake asked me while looking at my paper.

"You don't need to point it out dude." Edward said with a glare.

"I can teach you. I'm good at math" Jake said with a serious look on his face.

But he is really good though, he always answers correctly and he just seems to love math. Unlike me.

"Can you?" I asked him and he nodded.

"We can study at my place" Jake smiles at me.

I agree and Jake finally sits down on his seat. Then when I want to put my paper into my bag, I see Edward is staring at me. I raised my eyebrow with a confuse look, only to get a heavy sigh from him.

"Do you really think his only motive is just to teach you?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"If he wants to teach math why can't he offer that help to the other students who failed too?" Edward flicks his tongue in annoyed.

"C'mon Ed.. he's just being nice. You're giving him such a hard time"

"I don't feel good around him. He gives me that bad vibe"

"But he didn't do anything Ed.." I rolled my eyes and Edward remains silent.

I don't know why Edward has been suspicious of Jake since day one. All Jake does is being nice to me.


As we arrived at Jake's house. It's really quiet here but his house is big enough, almost like Edward's.

"Come on in" Jake unlocked the door and we step inside.

As soon as I step into the house, my phone buzzed. I got a text from Edward.

"Be careful. Call me if you want to go home"

Edward actually wanted to join us but his father asked him to get home early.

Alright then.

"My parents are working right now. Make yourself at home" He smiles at me and walks toward the living room.

"You have a really nice house Jake" I smiled at him. He thanked me while rubbing the back of his head shyly.

His house is really neat, and full of the color beige and white with some artistic decorations. It looks elegant yet simple.

"Come upstairs. Let's just study at my room" Jake said as he walks upstairs, followed by me.

When he opens his bedroom. I’m quite surprised that he’s actually a pretty neat guy too. His room is full of figurines that he likes but they are all nicely placed on the shelves. He throws his school bag onto the bed and walks back to the door.

"I'll get you something to drink. Be right back"

I sit on his chair nearby his computer and takes out my phone to see if I got any text.

But there's no new text other than Edward’s.

I see his computer doesn't fully turn off so when I switch on his monitor, it's still showing what he's been up to.





He got a pretty good sense in fashion though.

What am I doing? Stalking other people's computer...

But as I scroll down, I see one file named "Kitten".

He loves cats too? I click on the file and it only have few pictures of the back of a girl's body.

There's not even a single kitten.

Wait a minute.. her hair looks like mine..

I startled when I hear his footsteps are coming back so I quickly close it and turn off the monitor and leave it as before.

"I hope you like guava juice" Jake said and gives me a glass of it.

"Thank you Jake. I love it" I take a sip from the fresh guava juice and puts it on the table.

"So what don't you understand in math?" Jake takes a seat on the bed, facing me. His body is leaned backward while he's looking at me in the eyes. I couldn't say I'm comfortable with the way he looks at me.

"Uhh... just that one chapter.. I guess" I lied. To be honest, I don't understand all of them. I hate math. But I don't want to look like an idiot infront of him.

He chuckled and takes out his book from his bag and place it on the table. Then he takes a chair and drags it and sit beside of me.

We're so close..

I don't mind if I'm this close with Edward since he is my bestfriend but with Jake? It’s quite uncomfortable.

"Let's start" He takes a pen and open the cap with his mouth, then he starts teaching me the formula and how to do this and that.

Surprisingly despite being nervous around him, I can actually understand what he teached me.

"Is that it? Omg I feel so stupid right now" I sighed when I can finally get the answer correct.

"That's just it" He laughs.

Without my knowing, out of a sudden Jake pulls the strand of my hair to the back of my ear. My heart starts to beat faster but I can just slowly pull away from him.

"So... Is Everson your boyfriend?" He asked me out of the blue. His voice slightly changed to a lower note.

"N-no.. We're just bestfriends" I smiled awkward at him and he just nodded his head.

"It’s just... He's being so protective of you.. But it's okay. I would be protective too if I have a bestfriend as pretty as you" He chuckled while still staring at me.

I don't know what to say so I just laugh it off. I take another sip from the juice as Jake keeps watching every moves I make.

After awhile, we finished studying and it's almost dusk. I packed my bag and somehow I started to feel sleepy and drowsy.

Maybe I am too tired from studying today.

"Jake, I'm going home!" I said and when I was about to reach the door knob, my head started to feel heavy and without my knowing, I passed out.
