8. The Elven King


I woke up to the smell of aseptic, my mouth was as dry as the Sahara Desert, my body looked like I lost several good pounds and my mother was sleeping next to me on a chair while holding my hand that was attached to an IV. I was in a hospital bed and I didn't know why. My hand slightly moved when my mother raised her sleepy face to look at me.

-"my baby" she said then threw herself on the bed almost crushing me while holding me tight

A groan of pain escaped my mouth then she pulled away and looked at me very worried, she was acting as if I died or something.


Hours have passed and I heard how I was found passed out on my bedroom floor. After that I was on observation in intensive room due to a coma I was in three whole weeks. Apparently time in here and the other world are not the same. After some checkups from the doctors and tests I was sent home with proper machines to keep me well for the time being, I as well had an assigned nurse. Everything seemed fine with me, or so the doctor said but I thought it might have to be with the markings.


Night time had come and I couldn’t find myself to close my eyes to get to the world of dreams. I apparently slept so much in this world that I didn’t seem to get a hold of any kind of sleep. I decided to go out of the house for a late night walk around the outside of the house. I saw a familiar silhouette at the very far view of the lake we had on the backyard. It looked like someone from the other world. I started to walk on the direction I saw the man but I shouldn’t have done that, I should have stayed inside. When I was close enough to recognize who it was I noticed it was Killian, I didn’t want to be his captive again so I quickly turned around and started to run away.

-"Khaizer, Jesse, Jasper or Arthrus. If any of you are near it's time to show up" I said loud in hope they would be close to hear me.

It was no use, they were not in the human world as Killian was, I had to run or get to the other world, to the kingdom of Grivya where I felt safe and well, where I was surrounded by men willing to do anything to protect me and give it all for me. Jesse, the kind but brave King. Jasper, the knight in shining armor that you would see in fairy tales. Arthrus, the beautiful yet dark necromancer, he was different from any other necromancer I've heard or even read of. Khaizer the demon, he was a total asshole but for some reason I felt very attracted towards him. He saved me and he tried to help me to be kept alive by using his own blood, didn’t work but deep down I'm happy that someone was willing to shed its own blood to keep me alive. I need them, I want them to save me at any cost…"at any cost?" I was startled by a voice in my head "depending on what would the actual cost be" I quickly fixed what I meant "it's really simple, bear the marking of our elf king and you will be saved right now" the marking…"the marking? You mean…the kind of mark I had from Jesse, Jasper, Arthrus and Khaizer?" I asked "yes, you are allowed to bear other marks but the primary must be the marking of the elf king" shit I just need to be saved…but what if it’s a creepy old man? Ugh "no, it’s a young and nice man but he's unable to get close to anyone since his beauty is so much for other people to bear" hummm weird "ugh whatever I accept".

As soon as I accepted I saw a man appear in front of me, he was wearing white robes, his hair was so long that almost was reaching the floor without saying his hair was as white as his clothes, his face seemed like a beautiful piece of art painted by the one and only Leonardo Da Vinci. His skin was perfectly milky white and his eyes looked like glowing emerald gems, he was so beautiful that it was very intimidating. He stretched his right hand and looked like he was holding something invisible then positioned himself for battle when he saw Killian chasing after me, I quickly hid behind the unknown elven beauty who's mark I was to bear to then notice he was as tall as a wall, probably a good 6'9 ft. tall.

-"hiding behind a kings power huh?" I hear Killian say while he started to reach for his blade "I will just need a little of his blood to take him off combat" he smirked

-"fear nothing my dear lady, I would rather die than let this lunatic touch even a single string of your beautiful hair" the elf king said his voice was literally a sweet Beethoven melody

Everything happened so quick that my naked eyes just took the image of a glowing arrow that was being pointed to Killian the arrow was released and when my eyes followed it was stuck on his chest, where did that arrow even came from? The Elven King didn’t have a bow in his hands. Killian didn’t die but the wound was bad enough for him to recall and go back to his world. The Elven king turned around and looked at me, his beauty was blinding but I happily would be blind if it were to have that beauty burnt into my mind as the last image I've seen, he knelt in front of me and looked into my eyes, one hand on his knee and the other being offered to me.

-"please bear my marking, my beautiful lady, I know wealth is not something you seek off since you are wealthy yourself so I will promise you a life of protection and happiness, anything requested will be given to you and you will have freedom to do as you please my lady" he said with his beautiful voice, instead of an elf he should be a siren, his voice makes you want to make anything he asks for no matter the gravity of the request, I swear…

-"I accept your marking my dear Elven king, I would like to have freedom of still coming to my world and be able to as well bear the markings of the men who had protected me with their lives before I died in the kingdom of Grivya" I said and gently placed my hand on his

-"consider your request completed, I will not meddle with the request of my bearer" he says and softly gets up "my name" he looks at me and smiles softly "its Aragorn, I'm the king of the kingdom of Perakor" he said

-"my name is Rosalie Matthews, a commoner from earth" I answer smiling softly then give a soft bow just like in the movies you would to a royalty

-"there's no need to bow to me, you are my bearer…the new Queen of Perakor" he said smiling showing a beautiful Colgate smile

-"I'm sorry but I have to ask" I looked at him "are you actually real? I mean you look so beautiful that I feel I'm looking at a doll, no offense" I heard him laughing loudly while holding his stomach

-"I am as real as the tale of the elves, come I will show you everything" he smiled while held my hand again then with a smooth move of his left hand a weird circle opened "this is a portal, do not be afraid" he said and started walking towards the portal, I moved along and smiled when I entered and saw the other end inside the portal "beautiful isn't it?"

He said as I gasped, the view to the kingdom of Perakor was extremely beautiful. There were a lot of mountains, green areas, a giant castle and a lot of people training what it seems like magic on an open field. I looked at King Aragorn and nodded quickly.

-"this is literally just out of a fairy tale, it's incredible" I exclaimed

His smile grew bigger and he offered his arm for me to hold onto it. We started walking together around the field, people was staring at me I guess due to my clothing's and my hair. All of them had white, gray or golden blonde hair, my hair was dark blonde almost throwing to ash color. On our walk I learned that he needed someone from the outside to be his partner due to 99% of the women from his kingdom were taken, it seems in this world there are barely just hundreds of women and thousand men which is why men accept their woman to have more than one partner or in this case a mark bearer. I also learned about the mark which I was barely explained about when I was with Jesse and the other guys, apparently they forgot I was an outsider.

The mark was technically like a magical tattoo that binds me to my partners. This tattoo is like a sign of being taken however it doesn't mean us women have a max cap. We can get as many partners we want as long as all of the men agree to the woman decision if they do not want they can either divorce and take off the tattoo and stay alone for the rest of their lives or just suck it up. The tattoos as well give the women the power or strength of the men she will be linked to. As I was explained if I need to get rid of an enemy I can use Aragorn's magical skills as well as I can shape shift like Jesse does, depending on who's powers I would like or need to use.

-"ok, that would be all for today beautiful Rose. Tomorrow we have to do the marking ceremony" he softly caressed my cheek "this door is your room, this other one is mine if anything needed just knock and I will help, sleep tight" he said and put his hand on his chest leveling with his heart then bowed his head, turned around and entered his room

Well, I might end up enjoying this marking thing, it feels like I'm in a reverse harem book.