14. The after care


My sleep was interrupted by a gentle shake on my shoulders, I whined at the movement but it soon was followed by Khaizer's deep voice.

-"honey, wake up, we have to clean you and give you after care" his voice sounded tender and it felt like a dream that tender words were coming out of his mouth instead of his usual dirty repertoire

-"I just want to sleep, I'm tired Khai" I said

-"did you just give me a nick name?" I heard him chuckle

I smiled with my eyes still close then nod, I pulled him towards me making him at least sit next to where I was and hugged his waist, I can feel his nakedness with my hands. He chuckled again which made me look up to him.

-"we can let you sleep but at least let the servants change the bed sheets while we clean you a little, yes?" He gently tucked my hair behind my ear and smiled

-"I think if I stand I might fall flat to the floor, you guys wore me out like I can barely feel my lower body at all" I say with all the honesty I could find