My hand reached over to the empty side of bed to turn off my third alarm before I stretch and yawn the tiredness from my bones. It was a Friday, and my body was already feeling like it was ready for the weekend. A reminder wisped through my mind that since it was Friday that also meant that school party was later on tonight.
Lovely. I kicked my feet off the edge of my bed and carried myself to the bathroom where I showered quickly and brushed my curly hair while it was under water. I wrung out the water as best I could and hung my towel around my shoulders to catch the rest while I went to my closet. Me and Xander got back to my house around 1:30 AM and that was when I told him to stop around the corner. I had to walk the rest of the way, so I probably didn’t hit my pillow until 2. I'm not that tried to be dosing off in class, but I didn't feel like looking my absolute best, so I picked out an oversized sweater and leggings to wear to school today. It's not likely I'll get hot in this outfit.
I changed and put on my flats before I went downstairs for breakfast. I started my walk and by time I got to school, my endorphin hit had me ready to take on the day. I find my locker through the sea of people and begin to fish out my equipment for my first class. I had a dream about Xander. It was a dream no doubt sparked by the events of last night. It was a good dream-- another date --and I'll admit after waking up in the middle of it, I went back to sleep hoping the dream would continue or have a sequel. I also found myself looking forward to having another date in real life; with the actual Xander.
There was something about the chemistry between the both of us. It was there since he asked me out Tuesday, but I hadn't noticed it then. Those moments on that day where his attitude or demeanor either intimidated me or my body couldn't resist it rubbing off on me until I practically mirrored it. It intimated me in a way where I was frightened, but I was curious. Like those people in horror films that searches for the noise they heard instead of running. I didn't notice any of this until we kissed last night. From the small proximity between us to our first kiss; my effect on him is unknown to me but his on me was almost compulsive. It was like the closer he was, the more I wanted him to be and that kiss was riveting. I never kissed someone like that before. Not even with Alexander.
My mind tried to replicate the feeling as I shut my locker door and saw Xander was resting behind it. He grinned when we made eye contact.
"Are you thinking about me?" He asked with his arms across his chest.
"What?? N-No, no I'm not." I looked at the stack of books in my arms whilst shaking some strands to cover my face.
"Awe, that's too bad because I was thinking about you."
I looked up at him, smiled, and then sighed out. Why am I nervous?
"We're going to play 20 questions today," He declared “Whenever we see each other-- in the halls or classes --we will take turns asking each other questions. You have gym today, don't you?"
That doesn't sound like a bad idea. It actually sounds kind of funny and fun.
"Yeah, I do. How did you know?"
"Because I and all the guys have it too, as our last class."
I have it as my last period too. Well, it should be fun being around all of them.
"Are you going to the party tonight?" I asked him as I hugged my books.
He grinned again. "Yes. I was just about to ask you to it."
As I said, I mirrored his expression and leaned on the lockers next to him. "Actually, I was thinking of, maybe, going by myself, and meeting you there?" I ended it as a question, so I didn't hurt or offend him.
"Only because I don't know the scene of 'high school parties' that our fellow classmates like to throw. It's not my first party but each of them is different and they tend to be crazy and really flashy. I can meet you there. I also don't want me and you to be public news yet."
I would have been scared to say the last part since I wouldn't know if he wanted us to be anything at all to make public, but he mentioned a couple times that he wants me to be his ' future girlfriend ' so I do know in the special case.
He didn’t respond to me and only looked at me like he did by the car last night.
Since it was familiar, I said, "I'm not lying."
He shrugged and pushed off the lockers. "I didn't say you were. Don’t try to see when I'm analyzing you because I don’t do that."
Then how can he tell when I'm not honest??
"And okay, I will meet you there. As long as this isn't a coo to not be with me."
Of course not. I looked down to straighten the papers sticking out of my textbook when Xander's hand interrupted me as it touched my chin and lifted my head. his freshly licked lips kissed mine and they pressed on them until I felt the entirety of his and my chest filled with a heartwarming feeling as my eyes shut for those few seconds. I breathed in his new scent and when he slowly pulled away, he stayed a hair away from my face as we both opened our eyes and he whispered,
"Let the rumors begin."
"Now that we spent a lot of today talking about and going over externalities, can anyone tell what an external party is? . . . Go ahead, Talia." Our economic teacher picked on one of the girls in the front row.
"A person or group of people that wasn’t involved in an environmental change but is affected by it," Talia responded.
"Good. Can someone give me an example?"
"A company creating an oil factory and the surrounding homes breathe in and choke on the toxic smoke that comes out of it."
I sweep some hair behind my ear and rest my other arm on my desk as I got all the notes and margins, I need for the topic of Externalities. My notes are definitely the color and detailed kind.
"What are external costs?"
For this question I raised my hand.
"It is the harmful effects the external party endures."
"Correct. Now your homework for the weekend isn't something you have to turn but you should go over and study the points we covered this week because we will have a quiz first thing on Monday when we come back from break. Have a great spring break, class is dismissed!" She had to yell the last words over the ringing of the bell and since I was in the back, I was the first kid out of the room. I slung my bag over my shoulder as I made my way across campus to the gymnasium. From this class I can head straight home. I have to admit I’m happy to see the guys in just a few minutes. I had to leave campus for lunch so I couldn't see them because of a call I got from Ashton. He wanted to check on me and with him it's always a 'face-to-face' kind of check in. He doesn't think it’s enough to check over the phone sometimes. I'm happy to see them but the dress code for this high school PE classes is to ' help against sweating and help ensure the efficiency of every practice' by having the girls wear sports bra and tights and wearing that as is nerving without Xander being there.
I entered the girls' locker room to begin getting ready, opening a locker and placing my bag in it and grabbing the folded uniform from the top shelf. I quickly changed right there; taking off my sweater and bra-- using the opened locker to cover the important parts as I pulled the bra over my head. Then, I swapped my leggings and when I put everything away and shut the locker and froze when I saw Regina. She was with 2 others I didn't recognize, and I particularly froze because she was watching me.
"Isabelle, didn’t I make it super clear who you can't be around?" She said calm and clear with a kind of eerie tone I hear on TV when a parent reprimands their child.
I didn’t respond and she walked around the bench between us before she stopped in front of me. With her body facing forward, her face turned to me and she said in a low tone, "I warned you."
I did not know I shared this period with her either. And if she's asking that, that means she heard wind of the kiss this morning. Great! Conflict is something I try to avoid but this one might have been inevitable. I put my hair in a high ponytail before I walked out of the locker rows and took a breath before pushing through the doors that led into the indoor gym. I let out the breath as I look around at the big space with a very high ceilings and landscape windows that connect with the cream walls that became padded the more the wall got closer to the floor. The floor was wood planking and there were basketball hoops hanging from each far side with bleachers underneath them. I walked out of the doorway and seeing the bleachers made me spot Xander who was sitting on the bottom row of it with the rest of the 4. He was wearing a white tank with the same color shorts as my tights. He was talking with his friends, but it was like he felt me looking at him because his eyes snapped to mine.
The others were wearing the same-- the guy uniforms --and all of their arms were covered in tattoos, Xander included. I only saw green eyes with tattoos. How did I not notice how many tattoos Xander has! And his tattoos seem to be crawling up his arms and onto his chest, but the tank top covers the rest. Him stopping in the middle of his conversation is probably what prompted the others to turn to what caught his attention and I felt my cheeks burn as I fought every urge not to fumble with my fingers at the anxiety of their stares. I started walking towards the standing group on the ground when someone began to yell.
"Alright class listen up, it’s time for the rope climb stimulation."
"We're coming up on the end of the year and we need to prepare you guys for the fitness exams coming up in a month. Now, I have the rope up and ready and I'm going to record everybody's time to get to the top on this chart... Where's the clipboard?" The Coach finished.
"You didn't bring a clipboard out here, Coach." A fellow male student said.
"Really? Okay. I'm going to go get the board and when I record everybody, we will try to work with those who are struggling."
Unfortunately for our Coach, his office isn't connected to the gym, so he had to leave the gym to get the clipboard. When the doors closed, numerous conversations started back up within the room. I was contemplating finding a seat on the bleachers until the teacher came back but I heard Regina talking to me again.
"Hey, Izzy, come here!"
I cringed at hearing her say my nickname and I probably shouldn't of, but I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my leggings and walked to where she was; that being beside the hanging rope in the cluster of students.
I don't know why you continue to listen to her.
Because it's rude to ignore her.
"My name is Isabelle," I answered my second personality and clarified with Regina when I got close enough for her to hear without screaming.
"Sure. Why don't you be the first to climb?" She dismissed and suggested, gesturing to the rope.
I looked at it as I stepped on the foam mat. "Um, the coach isn't back yet."
"So what? You can try again when he gets back. Everyone here has done the rope simulation at the beginning of the school year. You're the only one who hasn't."
What does that matter and why does she care? I looked at the rope again and followed my eyes up to see how high it was.
"We just want to see what you got." I turned to a deep voice and instantly hug my arms to my body at an inferior feeling creeping into my bones.
I saw a lot of eyes on me and when I looked back at Regina to see a small smile. I sighed. My palms started to sweat as I felt really small from all this attention and I rubbed them on my thighs as I decided to do it since it wasn't like I wouldn't be able to. I walked up to the rope and looked up before down at my hands grabbing the coarse fabric. I blew air out of my cheeks as I started, bringing my hands up and my knees grabbing the bottom just above the knot. This simulation is all about core strength which I admit, I don't work out, but I've been through a lot that has built me with a stomach to withstand plenty. I didn't look down and just continued upwards, breathing in every time I pulled up and breathing out at every resting point. I even heard Regina giving words of encouragement the further I got. I definitely saw the appeal of the uniforms halfway through and I contemplated stopping there since you don’t have to go all the way up. I'm not even being timed yet, but I didn't want the attention on me if that was 'enough' for Regina, so I trudged on.
"That's great Isabelle!" Went Regina's voice again and oddly after, the crowd around the rope started to cheer my name.
"Isabelle! Isabelle! Isabelle!" I tried to look down as it made a small smile on my face, but I couldn’t, and I wondered where Xander and them were.
I raised my left hand to grab the next section of rope when suddenly the rope below me started to wobble and shake violently and when it trickled to the rope my knees were around, my grip released and I slid down only maybe a couple of inches before the rope burn caused my right hand to let go and I fell all the way down to the bottom of the rope and hit the wood floor with 2 cracks I heard ring through my ears and I felt in my entire body. The new laughter was distant as my eyes screwed shut and I was positive one crack was in my lower back and the other was the back of my head. My jaw tightened and my hand went to my head as the pain intensified and my head pounded with a migraine. The pain only lasted seconds before I felt the barely noticeable gash in my head heal but nothing in my back. It was likely a twist and crack your spine kind of thing. Like cracking your knuckles. My body balled up slightly as I whimpered and in the midst of laughs, I heard sneaking squeaking on the floor.
Hands placed on my knee and shoulder rolled me on my other side and into someone with an unfamiliar scent and when I opened my eyes, it was Nathan.
"Isabelle? Are you okay?!" He looked at me and seemed drawn to my eyes.
"Woah, what the hell is wrong with you!" Someone walks past me and yelled towards the crowd.
"Yo, what's the problem Mason?"
"You think we're stupid? I saw you shake the rope!"
"Yeah, you too Jasper!" I didn't recognize that voice.
"Look guys, you never turned down 50 dollars." The culprits laughed and I scrambled out of Nathan's embrace and stand on my feet to intervene.
"Really? Let me show you--"
"Guys, I'm okay!" I yelled over the laughter to catch their attention and when they faced me, I saw the other guy defending me alongside Xander was Green eyes. He looked as livid as Xander and his features softened while looking at me and relief bloomed in my chest at seeing him not hating me like I thought. Speaking of features, I see his hair was in a bun brought behind his head. and Xander's was brought back by a headband.
I feel Nathan stand up behind me as everyone was watching me when I stepped towards the boys and Xander cupped my face and examined me. Some looks were weird ones. . . like disbelief.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," I said softer and he looked deep in my eyes.
"There's blood on the floor." We both looked at Nathan and he was kneeling where the blood was with Logan and Luca standing behind and Logan was sharing the same disbelief gaze on his face. His was deeper though.
"It must have been from something small. I promise I'm okay." I reassure once more and looked behind Xander to see where the mat that was under the rope went. And I see it pulled away from the crowd with the 2 girls that were with Regina, sitting on the edge of it with their knees up.
I searched for Regina next.
"I told you there'd be consequences for not taking my advice." Her words echoed in my head.
I saw her with a smug look that only covered the disbelief one halfway and my heart sunk at all this being intentional. I fell for the cheering too-- even if it was for a moment. The look in her eyes showed no regret and dare I say it, it made me sad that she would do this. Something that could have been worse if I was someone different. Something different. With my other personality livid and all too ready to react, I bit my tongue and took this act of bullying under my wing and looked down as I backed away from her and closer to Xander. I was succumbing to the act of abuse.
You're killing me, Isabelle.
"Alright class, I'm back!"
"I think I should take you to the nurse." Xander's voice blended with our teacher's as he wrapped his arm around my waist and proceeded to do so and I made sure to scrape whatever blood of mine off the floor with the top of my sneaker as we passed.
At the end of class and another school week, a conversation took place behind the school-- near the entrance of the parking lot between 5 guys and the monster of doubt.
"Alright, guys, I'm back," Xander announced as he jogged through the empty back hallway to the very end where his housemates stood.
"Is Isabelle alright?" Nathan asked, worriedly.
"Yeah. The nurse found some blood in her hair but said she didn't find any major wounds, so she gave her a slip to miss the rest of the class and I took her home."
"Phew, that's good."
"You're telling me. I was ready to snap Jasper's arm in two." Xander replied to Luca.
"And I would have gladly helped," Haylor added, pointing a finger up.
"You guys don't think that is off?" Logan interrupted.
"What? That they would do something as sick as nearly giving her a concussion--"
"So, you all admit that was a fall to make a head injury? Even something as a small headache?" Logan cut off Luca.
"I mean, yeah she probably had one."
"Not with how fast she got up from the ground Nathan."
"What are you saying, Logan?"
"I'm saying that, wasn't it odd that she fell from a height like that-- her head hitting the floor first --and she sprung to her feet without so much of a stumble? I heard something crack from where I was sitting."
"Yeah, but we can hear what the admissions office is talking about right now and we're entirely across campus from it. Maybe what you heard wasn't major." Nathan tried to reason.
"I'm saying what if it's them again? From back home?" Logan asks with concern and slight annoyance.
"Okay, first off, this is home," Haylor motions with his hands "Second, there's no way. Taylor wouldn't do that. With someone as power-hungry and narcissistic as him, he would rather send himself here than a scout. Regardless of if that scout is a girl like Isabelle."
'A girl like Isabelle' acquired the attention of Xander who looked up from a quick text to Haylor silently.
"Yeah, Logan, it's not them. But I understand your concern. We can always leave it to you to look out for us." Nathan reassured with an enthusiastic tone to Logan who still wasn't completely convinced.
"Yeah, our referee-- mediator, of our little monstrous family." Luca throws his arm around Logan's neck as he joked, messing up his hair with his other hand as he walked them to the exit, and the others soon followed; immersed in conversations of their own, going back home where they will wait until the party starts at 8 o'clock.
I relaxed for the most part when I came from school. I'm in my living room currently, upside down on the couch with my phone in my hands. When I looked at the screen once I got it out of the gym locker, Ashton had texted if I was okay after his blood healed me from the fall. Sometimes, I wish I could heal myself but that only happens when I'm turned. A lot of crazy happens when I'm turned. Speaking of.
"Isabella, are you okay with everything that took place a few hours ago?" I mumbled to myself while I simultaneously replied to a test from Ash.
Why not ask me this before you made a decision on how we were going to handle what happened to you?
"Well, there wasn't a decision to make. And we all know what your preferred response was going to be."
And it should have been what happened. Izzy, they were bullying you.
"I've been through worse. We've been through worse. And this isn't new; stay low and keep my head down. That's the rule. Besides, starting a fight we know we can't lose isn't right."
You weren't starting it.
"Taking on the bully gets us noticed. Us getting noticed puts us on the radar. I mean a'oothubillahi min thelik, we could get discovered by a college scout for whatever known reason."
I proceeded to say, "I'm sorry that you didn't like my choice, but you know the road I take, the passive road. I know it was difficult for you to watch-- especially since they hurt me --but I'm fine and it's over now."
You just better hope I never see them on a full moon or that I am never in charge while they're around. . .
It is odd practically talking to myself. I have talks with her often, but I can use the method of just thinking about what I want to say, and she replies afterward.
I'll kill them for hurting you.
I looked at the top of my screen and saw it was 6:00 pm and I wanted to make dinner before I left.
"You know me; I'll make sure of just that. That you and they are nowhere near each other."
I kicked my feet to the ground and got up to see what was in the fridge. It was pretty bare but that's to be considered since I usually go food shopping every weekend and only buy food for the week. I saw a pack of small baby yellow and green peppers and in the freezer were burgers, so I thought of a makeshift, deconstructed Philly cheesesteak. I toss the burger in the sink and run hot water over it while I took the scrunchy off my wrist and brought my hair in a high bun. I took a knife out of the knife block and placed that and a cutting board beside the sink as I quickly washed the peppers... Is it true that if produce has seeds then it's a fruit? Because if so, peppers are the worst fruit ever.
I chopped the peppers in slices, then in chunk rectangles before I threw it in a pan with oil over a high 7 stove eye. I don't want to make a lot since I'm a) walking to the party and b) expect to eat snacks and whatever is at the party when I get there. So, I only take one burger out of its plastic and cut it into medium slithers, and I noticed the middle was still frozen. I put it all into the pan anyway and put the dishes in the sink before I fished out sugar, crushed red peppers, and bouillon out of the seasoning stash.
It took about 15 to 30 minutes to cook and be to the standards I had in mind before I scooped it all in a bowl and topped it off with a fork... I can never go vegetarian. . . or vegan.
I'd just never last.
I poured some of my favorite drink; pineapple soda into a cup and then went back into the living room with 30 minutes to spare before it turned 7. Pineapple soda was one of the answers I gave Xander today during our little game of 20 questions. I told him this soda was my favorite but that Pepsi was my tastebuds first love and so I don't even consider it a favorite. Because no other drink compares to it. I ate and watched the news; keeping up to date with local tragedies as well as the forecasts and I was happy to see that the next full moon isn't expected to be here until the end of next month. That and there's a blood drive coming up this Sunday for any volunteers who want to help bring up the supply of blood our hospital has. They're apparently low on stock again, somehow.
Hey, why don't we go and donate blood. Let's be charitable.
I smiled. "Yeah, totally, because that will go so well. We'll be back in a cage, in some lab somewhere, by Monday morning."
Her humor can be very sinister sometimes but she's usually very mellow when it's just us. She kind of hates everybody else. She's not even as close to Ashton and them as I am. When I finished eating, I checked the time and stretched as I mentally prepared myself for a party.
I love you, Izzy.
"I love you too Isabella."
I put my dishes away and rushed up the stairs to my more elegant attire in one of my closets. I took out a black fitted turtleneck shirt and a leather mini skirt called it complete. I got ready in the bathroom, rinsing my mouth before applying a matte, dusty rose-colored lipstick and blowing out my curls. I zipped up the two zippers that are in the front of the skirt and put-on gold-colored hoop earrings before I got on my knee-high black boots and got going.
The closer I got to the house, the more different the atmosphere around me begun to change. Music got louder, people got closer and before I knew it, I arrived at my first party at BHS. The yard was big, and the house was bigger. From the outside, it looked like a 3-story house. The windows glowed with an orange light that was swaying inside and there were coolers scattered around the yard. There were people already here and some looked to be drunk already too. I walked the path to the house and as I walked up the steps, I ran into the person furthest from my mind.
"Hi, Izzy."
My eyes widened and I kind of froze where I was standing.
"Jason. .Hi."
"You look beautiful." He looked at my outfit as he approached me.
I didn't know what to say but he made me look at his outfit and he looked cute too. Everybody looks good in an all-black outfit. I can smell he also has been drinking.
"I was hoping to see you here. I want to talk about us."
He reached out to take my hand, but I slipped past him. "There is no us anymore."
I jumped into the house before he had a chance to respond or stop me and worked my way through the sea of people until I came to open space. I take it he didn't show up to school today because the rumor of me and Xander has clearly been spreading since this morning. I found a table of drinks and I reached for the strongest liquid courage; if Jason's here and was 'hoping to see me' then that isn't going to be the last time I see him tonight. Plus, he told 'us' which also means he isn't really getting the breakup concept either. I filled a red cup and decided that was enough since I'm lightweight.
Careful Izzy, being drunk is just like handing power over to me.
I tilted my head and took a gulp. That's not entirely true. Yes, by the end of this cup I will be wasted, and I don't get drunk on a daily basis, but I'm strong with keeping my alter ego under lock and key no matter the state I'm in.
I search the groups of people with my eyes to see if I can see Xander or any of the guys-- if they decided to come --but I didn't see him. I did notice a stairway that led upstairs. My drink made my body temperature warm and the objects around me already began to look fuzzy. I ate a few pretzels on a lone plate on the table since they looked relatively clean and uncontaminated before a took another small gulp.
I spun around to the sound of my name and saw an unfamiliar guy walking up to me.
"I'm glad you were able to make it to my party! You look stunning." He spoke.
"I wanted to let you know that Regina isn't here. I heard what she did to you in the gym... that was uncool."
Who is he?
"I told her not to show up because of it and I'm glad I did since you decided to come."
"Hey, do you want to dance with us!" I looked behind me to see a brunette yelling such a question to me with two girls tugging on her hand.
"Yeah, you should. Have fun and I'll see around." The guy said and I could tell the vodka was strengthening its hold because I wasn't nearly as alarmed as I should have been.
I thought if this was another trick that this girl was asking me to dance when I never saw her before either. That guy did just approach me to say Regina wasn't here so maybe it's not. I hope not because before I knew it, I was nodding, and the girl took my hand and led me to the dancefloor. I had half a cup in my right hand by now and the four of us was slow dancing to the surrounding rhythm, but it didn't take long for the adrenaline of the classmates around us and the intoxication of music that boomed from the speaker to seep into our bones and we were as vibrant as everyone else.
"Does she move your body?
Like I moved your body?
Cause I wanna know, yeah, I wanna know
Does she make you feel wanted?
Is she all you wanted?
Cause I wanna know, yeah, I wanna know"
~I Wanna Know, NOTD
We held hands so I and the girl that asked me never got separated in the crowd. Our breaths could tango by how close we were. The music was great too and I was actually having a fun time. I finished the last of my drink and tossed the cup over my shoulder when I suddenly got the feeling to look for other sources of a drink. I put up a finger up to let the girl know I'll be right back, and I left the swarm of hot bodies to find something to drink. The table I found last time only had the vodka I was interested in and I wanted something of flavor this time around. Maybe something fruity? I found a food stand and I took a handful of orange chips I found out later was BBQ flavored and then I was at the entrance of the stairway I saw earlier.
I held onto the railing and began my way up; it was a straight shot, and it was dark in the hallway it led me to. There were many doors on both sides of the wall and there were two bodies pressed up against each other, whispering as I walked past. I tried to open one of the doors, but it wouldn't budge and that's when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Isabelle, we have to talk."
I stumbled to look behind me at Jason and my head tilted back as I rolled my eyes. "I don't want to talk to you, Jason."
"You broke up with me and I want to know why. And what I can do to get us back together."
"I don't want to be with you." My hand glides on the wall as I tried to walk away from him, but he grabbed my other hand and trapped me between him and a wall.
"But we didn't even have a good night together." I paused the idea to resist him as I looked in his wild eyes after catching what he was insinuating.
We never slept together. He wanted to but after some previous things that happened to me, I wanted to wait.
"And now you'll never get the chance." I whispered, " Now get off of me."
I pushed him but only took a step before he stepped in front of me. I made it to another door.
"Why did you have to be a tease? We don't have to be together, but I love you, I'll be gentle." He touched my cheek, but I swatted his hand before saying no.
His hands grabbed my hips and a familiar possessive look flickered in his eyes. "You are mine. You're not leaving me."
I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it and we both fell as the door opened behind me. Him being above me, he had the upper hand and took my hands and tried to pin them above my head. I kicked and fought as much as the alcohol would let me.
"Get off me, Jason!"
And a moment past before he did just that. Unwillingly, as he was ripped off and I immediately sat up and saw we were in a lit room with 5 people sitting in 5 chairs. And I recognized them.
"She said no, didn't she?"
"Xander!" I exclaimed happily, completely disregarding my previous encounter with my ex.
He looks and just now registers I was damsel he rescued. With Jason's collar in one hand, he furrowed his brows and touched my chin, lifting it in the air so he can look in my eyes.
Luca took Jason off Xander's hands and threw him out of the room as Xander examined my eyes longer. Now with both hands on my face.
". . You're drunk."
"How long have you been here?"
I smiled. "I was looking for you."
"Alright Xander, back up; she's probably frazzled." Luca pulled him back by his shoulder and Xander's eyes raked up my body.
I felt my cheeks flush a red shade.
Your beauty is as fatal as I am.
I don't maximize on my appearance (meaning any makeup) for a reason. It is the appearance of my kind in our human form acts as a lure against prey for our fright side. And as the last of my kind, I want little attention as possible.
I moved past Xander and spin as I look around and say, "It's only you guys in here."
Spinning while drunk wasn't smart because I needed help to not fall.
"You probably shouldn't spin."
I touched his cheeks and squished them together. "Nathan. Hi!"
He laughed before taking me and sitting me in a chair that was pulled up. He looked me in the eye and said: "Sit."
I swallowed the saliva in my mouth and nodded, touching my forehead with my hand. "Okay, sorry."
"How long have you been here?" Luca asked me as he sat back down and Xander took a spot next to me.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"Uh. . . Almost 10:30."
"Then for about 2 hours." I nod as I respond, looking up finally. My head's starting to spin.
"I was wondering if you were still coming." I look at Xander as the words to a moment to register in my head.
I smiled. "I missed you guys," I say before using the armrests to get up and slide over to find a seat in Xander's lap.
His cologne was the same as the one at our date and my heart raced at being close to Xander again. He didn't seem to mind as his arm slinked around my waist. I tilted my head and looked at the small chandelier hanging from the ceiling when Xander used 2 fingers to turn my face to his. He analyzed my face and chuckled when I gave him a toothy grin.
"See Logan; she couldn't be any more human."
"So, Nathan what were you saying?"
I continued looking around from where I was sitting, and it looked like we were in a living room. It was weird since it has a door, but it wasn't a bathroom or bedroom, and it was 2 connected rooms, and the second room had the big balcony I saw earlier when I got here. I looked at the portraits on the wall and when I noticed Green eyes were looking at me. Not entirely sure why-- nor caring, I watched him watch me. He was wearing a vibrant red collared and buttoned shirt and white jeans. His hair looked really nice and his shirt was only half-buttoned. His eyes hid unspoken words as they looked my way.
I suddenly frowned. "Is there something to drink? I was looking for something to drink."
"I think you had enough," Xander replied and laughed but I shook my head.
"I only had one cup. I'm a lightweight. And I want something sweet to drink. Like a fruity drink."
"Well, I have this Gatorade--"
"That'll work. Can I have some??" I outstretched my hand towards Logan and open-and-shut my hand repeatedly.
They all chuckled and passed the bottle down until it got to me and I turned the straw upside down before placing it between my lips and took a sip. It was tropical punch. Not my favorite flavor but it will do. I rested back against Xander before I got up and walked into the room connected where the balcony was. There was no light in this one but the luminance of the moon, so I leaned against the railing and I looked out over the yard. There was a game of tag going on.
I sipped on the Gatorade silently; thinking about nothing in particular and I turned when I heard the floorboards creak behind me. It was mostly dark, but I saw it was the one with the red shirt and I moved over to make space for him by the balcony. I set the bottle on the railing as I decided to talk to him while I watched the mortals run around downstairs.
"Hi. What is your name again?"
From the corner of my eye, he was watching the same as he smiled and took a while to answer. "Haylor."
Right! I shrugged, "I've been calling you Green eyes in my head."
His smile deepened and the moon cratered into the dimples when I caught the sight of them.
". . Why do you hate me?"
"I don't hate you." He said immediately and turned to me.
"But you don't talk to me." I return the gesture.
"I don't hate you," He repeated and switched gazes between my eyes “... I’m being respectful of Xander by keeping my distance from you."
I took an absentminded sip of my new drink and pouted as I thought to myself. "But why?"
I looked at him again, but he didn't answer. He was about as taller than me as Xander was and he was more beautiful up close.
The floor creaked again and we both looked to the entrance and saw Xander.
I saw Haylor glance at me one more time before he left and Xander walked up to take his place. I grinned.
"Hi cutey."
His lips parted as he laughed, and he cupped my cheek. "Woah, how much alcohol did you drink?"
I shrugged as an answer and took another swig of the punch as I looked out the balcony. Stars and cars were scattered in this intoxicated night and in Xander's eyes was a trance-like gaze as he swept hair behind my ear.
"Can you kiss me?" I asked, thinking of how great his kisses feel.
His infamous wolfish grin topped off his formal laidback outfit before his cupped my cheekbones and he sealed our lips. I gripped my drink, so it didn't slip, and my other hand used his neck to pull him closer. His tongue brainwashed my mind and drunken my body more than it already was; so much that he had to hold my waist when I started to drift away. I dropped the bottle over the railing and wrapped my arm around his neck, competing for control I effortlessly loss.
"Hm, you taste sweet." He voiced when the kiss broke and I nudged our noses together.
"Why don't you have a drink?" I ask, looking up from his pink lips and coming off my tiptoes.
He looked in my eyes, tightening his arms around me. He stared in my eyes for a long while and just when I was about to raise my eyebrows in question of why he hasn't answered, he whispered, "Because vampires can't get drunk, so I don't see the point."