A Game

The way you taught me how the life is, it is actually opposite to the way life is because with my love I was pleased however now broken to be aware of how without love life is.

Aangry made a counter question, "Two rings?"

He replied, ,"Yes don't focus on that, and thanks for this kind deed. Do inform me if you find anything like this.

He said, "Sure, your most welcome."

When he came outside, he located every body gathered and staring at him as if he had donensome aspect very wrong. He got curious, "What has happened? Is everything okay?"

His mother said, "Truth is always hidden at the back of any lie. You and Riddhima are married now than to gift her that ring, why did you need the garage then? Isn't your room not enough for that?'"

A new theory began out that made Vansh more infuriated, so he exceeded away without telling anything to anyone because this was also no more tolerable and so he felt that explanation is not always required.

He straightforwardly said, "I am requested to you all that please quit this investigation due to the fact I am not going to inform you anything because when I tell, you all do not believe."

Ishaani said, "So, bro tell us the truth so that we would consider you."

After then, a door of one of the rooms shut very loudly. Again the sky was once clear. Aangray got here downstairs hurriedly and said, "Vansh, Riddhima is very angry. Go and calm her down."

He meant to say that it was the door of Vansh' room that Riddhima closed loudly.

Vansh took the knife that used to be on the table and tried to cut his wrist. Everyone said,"What are you doing?"

Vansh shouted, "Riddhima is no longer in the Mansion, and this is what I told you all a hundred timesl. Also, I told you, Aangray."

Aangray said, "But I saw her coming out of the room in great anger, and so she also closed the door loudly. In fact, you all have heard the noise."

Vansh punched the wall and ran toward his room. As he entered, the door of the washroom closed in the same way as that of the room a few minutes ago. He said, "Who's there? I am sure you are a stranger and perhaps someone has appointed you to do all this and create problems for me."

He the really heard Riddhima's voice, "You are wrong." After it, the door locked from inside. He ran and tried to open however it did not open even after his several tries.

"Our love had no reflection as it had no trust that would reflect love."

He asked her, "Riddhima, open the door!"

Then she replied, "Wow! You identified me. I am glad to understand it."

The door itself opened then and when he went inside the washroom, there was no one. The surprising factor is her sudden absence.

Was there a pathway to go outside by the washroom?

"Ah! Shit....Why this time I am not getting what any person is being intented to do and who? If Riddhima is here, why is she now not coming in front of me?" He shouted in the empty washroom.

He was feeling himself mentally disturbed. He sat down on the mattress and didn't know when he slept. He neglected his dinner and even though he did not take his lunch.

After a few hours, he was wakened through a sound.It was the sound of anybody coughing and then he recognized that it was once of Riddhima.

Whether the time he sleeps or whether he is awake, all the time he has Riddhima's love and care in his mind. He stuffed the glass with water that was on her side table and said, "Take it, Riddhima." as she was constantly coughing.

There was again nobody.He stood up, calling her and put that glass back to the table. He even saw outside the room, the window but as usual, he used to be failed to find where she is.

Then, his shifting eyes acquired nevertheless on that desk on which he crammed that glass due to the fact it was now half, that is, anybody drank half glass of water even though he filled it full and really, it was not his doubt or any misunderstanding.

Besides that, he found a dish with that. He opened its cap and observed his favourite chilli garlic fried rice however he also observed that it was not there on the table before this.

Another surprising aspect is, after the 1/2 glass of water was drunk, there used to be then no sound of Riddhima coughing. Vansh's mind recalled the scene when Riddhima first cooked it for him.

Riddhima particularly learnt to prepare this dish for him. He said, "Lets' see how closer you are to me!"

He was sure that Riddhima made it. He is now believing her presence but desire to get the cause of his disappearance everytime when he leave out her a lot.

"The Option of our Love had no statement."

He tasted it and said, "It is not made by Riddhima" although he knew that it is made by Riddhima because of its taste. He said this to see the person's subsequent step.

And suddenly, the television itself opened and there he saw a girl's hidden face as she used to be turned back and saying, "I was also about to see how nearer you are to me, but then I observed you by no means ever noticed my love for you though."

It then itself closed. He smiled because some thing unusual will in all likelihood happen. Just as this happened, anybody knocked the door and there was once Aaryan, seemed like he was doing his sleep walk, though he had no habit of strolling in sleep.

He moved towards Vansh and said, "She desires to play a game with you."

To be continued....