A Serial

"I understand I threw light on your love but did not recognize that it will provide no shadow."

Whatever was on Riddhima's tongue was the reality being hidden inside her heart.

Vansh asked, "Maybe your first love be your ultimate test?"

He put his hands on her cheeks and held her hands and moved them during his body. As she was once attempting to escape, Vansh forcefully pulled her closer and they each kissed. After that he met his sleep.

When he woke up the next day, the everything was normal. Just as he opened his eyes, he saw Riddhima putting off her jacket and then the jeans. He closed his eyes and said, "Riddhima, go in the washroom.

After no reply he said, "I am asking you.

"And I am asking you. Which holiday are you celebrating? Anurpriya said.

Vansh said, "Riddhima. Oh mom, I...I am working from home these days because I am not longer feeling well."

Anupriya said, "Stop dreaming of Riddhima in this day time at least."

He said ;But I think the light of this day time let you dream clearly."

Anupriya said, "Mr.Philosopher, are you completed?"

He said, " I am sorry mom. I didn't intend to."

Anupriya left and he was in his warfare to remind what came about last night. Only this was Riddhima's query he should truly remembered, "Where you desired to let me go that day?"

Vansh thought that some thing significant simply took place to Riddhima for that she is blaming him. He just wanted to go with her to the inn so he thought that his hotel has some link with their love.

He was going to Siya because he knew that some variety of dose was given to him by using the juice. He went downstairs in the hall, anyone was standing there as if to slove a remember however Vansh ignored.

"Our love in no way acquired the explanations of hearts via touring it through the eyes."

He asked Siya, "Siya, I prefer to ask you some thing come inside."

Siya was still and also have been the different contributors like statues. Vansh regarded at all of them and then asked, "Siya, come with me because I can't ask here."

There was once once more entire silence. Vansh asked, "Aangray can't you inform me what has happened?"

The lights became off and on and there was no one then as if they all disappeared in a moment. He did not comprehend what was happening, "Where are you all gone? Are you all enjoying the most played game, disguise and seek?"

Suddenly, a heavy sound of bomb blasting he heard. Vansh asked being anxious, "Please inform me now."

Ishaani stated to Aaryan while others were statues (still), "Okay, so your wait ends here. Aaryan let me tell him."

Aaryan told, "When I stopped you Ishaani?"

Ishaani said, "Obviously no one has stopped me so why have to I cease my words remained unspoken."

Vansh asked, "Don't create suspense you both."

Ishaani said, "Ok everyone, get everyday and lets' start 1, 2,3....

Everyone wished, "Congratulations on this victory."

Everyone applause and clapped however Vansh did not be aware of why, "Thank you. Can I ask the reason for this mood swing?"

Siya said, "You two are mysterious."

Vansh replied, "Two refers to?"

"The action of your love acts as no reaction of my love."

She replied, "You and Riddhima. I mean, you two never mentioned that before her demise you each were writing a book on your love life."

Ishaani denied, "No Siya, you are telling wrong. The truth is anyone wrote a e book on you both."

Vansh asked, "How can the creator comprehend us and what's' specific in it?"

Aaryan said, "Don't you know?"

Ishaani said, "It released its chapter 1 as episode one, and it got viral, and you are going to earn dollars, and we are gonna more rich. The most proud moment was once to see you each on screen together."

Vansh was super shocked, "What? I didn't."

Aaryan said, "I also watched the episode 1."

He denied, "I don't agree with all this."

He left and was indulged in these mysterious questions due to never ending mysteries. Without the closure of a chapter, an opening of a new chapter occurs.

He was sitting in his room suffering from severe headache, and this was increased further when Aangray came and said, "If you trust me, please have a look on it."

It was the cover of that book. It was designed in a way that there were Vansh and Riddhima holding knives in their hands and killing each others' bodies only while their spirits were holding each others' hands. It was designed extra-ordinary marvellous.

The theme, the use of colour effects, presentation all were tremendous. He looked the whole page but did not find the name of the writer.

Vansh asked, "Who is the writer of this book?"

Aangray replied, "I don't know but I request to please check out only the summary."

Vansh said, "I am busy right. I'll think about it."

He said, "Sure, check out it will be convenient for you."

Suddenly, a flying page came itself and was flying here and there. He thought it could be useless or some other waste piece of paper so he didn't notice until it laid on that table at which he was working.

There was written, "Find me or the writer or found nothing."

By this, he got the clue that the writer of the book and the one who wrote this are two different persons but he didn't know what was meant by found nothing. whether it was Riddhima or the writer or something else or he would lose everything.

"Love is the name of all the wrong deeds done with the right intention of doing some good deeds."

Vansh thought to visit his hotel. He didn't knew why was going and what will he do there but he has aimed to finish this all now and more he will try to finish, the more it will extend.