Is he Alive

 "This journey is beautiful. I hope with the aid of attaining my future that is you, I will locate your love more beautifully."

Bad days love to come to Riddhima as much as proper days hate. As everything was going to be first-rate and ordinary as Riddhima was just about to have Vansh, a new chapter began.

The story of his death, or perhaps in reality he died, was made and used to be said that Riddhima is responsible for it as she murdered him, but she used to be harmless due to the fact no count his love made her die everything, she will never homicide her love.

Anupriya stated to every person that she left and then everybody fell asleep. The night passed and nothing about Riddhima could be known. 

As the day began freshly, Riddhima's eyes opened, and she observed herself in that hotel. She may no longer want to escape as any individual tied her hands and legs with rope. She shouted and then someone in the end replied, and it used to be Vansh' voice.