Standing in front of Each Other

 "I wide-spread you by my heart actually but to see that you did not accept me truly, my heart didn't receive this."

Vansh then additionally took out a very expensive gold pen from his pocket writing something on the front and via hiding it from all and sundry while Riddhima was silent just smiling and searching at him continuously.

He then again took lower back his position, sat down on his one knee, forwarding her the ring that wasn't written via success to be in her hands.

As Vansh was handing over it to Riddhima, that woman came in front of him and Vansh gave that ring to her. Zain and Riddhoma each had shocking faces at that time.

They both had been smiling and even Vansh kissed her head. He is now deliberately doing this because he knows it feels horrific to Riddhima.

Vansh said, "So, here we are done. May I announce something also, Zain?"