Love has never Existed

"Every relation between us is ending now but surely it will still not end anything but I am not sure whether it will end me also or not."

Riddhima had the above words to say while ending their relationship from each and every aspect saying it not to be a part of their plan.

It means both were seriously ending it. Riddhima was then admiring Vansh from his personality, honestly and much more.

Both were wishing the best for each other and Vansh even cleared that it was not just because Zain challenged him. He was feeling himself that their relation should end here.

Had they no regrets as they both weren't showing any regrets???

Let's go through the chapter to know more.

Vansh was looking at Zain whom he was circuitously passing his assertion to. Instead of showing happiness after hearing that Vansh and Riddhima are breaking up completely, all had been dazing.