She must value, will she repent?

In love, we are just stuck to only side that is our love like if there is nothing else in the world which is remained to be seem.

The love for Riddhima that never let Vansh to then propose any one else and Riddhima's love or madness most probably for Kevin that isn't letting her to see at Vansh.

It was an illogical question that whether Kevin knows where Vansh has kidnapped Sejal or not as he didn't know.

Because if he really knew, he would have reached Sejal by now, "If I knew that the place Vansh had kidnapped her, I should go there myself also."

Kevin was now also following Vansh that if Riddhima will assist him first, he'll assist him additionally even though Vansh has stopped Kevin that no need to try anymore to make up her idea for him.