Turned into a Villain

Vansh was acting like a villain for maybe, he never ever recognized the purity of her love.

Because the reason of coming back and making attempts to kill her this way is the impurity of her love for Vansh.

Everything has to be disclosed before both would lose each other even if they could continue with each other.

He was making it clear to her that he came with no intentions of loving or getting her out of there that time, "Yes, he (God) sent me to make yours and God's meeting possible."

Riddhima knew that also, "What's the reason? Why do you want to kill me?"

He didn't give Riddhima the actual reason, "You are the reason I want to kill you in the same way as you do it daily."

This time, he took out his gun to kill her, "I am ready to die but first tell me what was my mistake?"

He said, "Haven't you asked Ishaan?"

Riddhima never discussed this matter in detail with Ishaan, "Does he know?"