Let's Imagine: Side Story! A Hero in Need!

| Euphoria, Town of Zalcov, 8 years ago |

A fire raged in a small cabin near a town being overrun by creatures made of blackness and heavy steel.


A young girl maneuvered her way through the smoke and inferno.

She walked into the family room, where pictures, embroideries, and family heirlooms were being burnt to a crisp.

The young girl looked up as she heard a crackle, a giant wooden beam consumed by flames collapsed, and she nearly moved out of its way; She fell, scraping her knee on some glass shattered on the ground.


Congested by smoke, the young girl collapsed, heaving on the floor, desperate for oxygen.

A large BANG came from the door as a creature with sharp claws ran inside the house, looking for any survivors to feast on.

The girl looked at her to-be-killer in the eyes.


The beast lunged at her, claws at the ready and mouth overflowing with acidic saliva, ready to take a bite of the helpless lass.

A quick gust of wind came from the door and into the room, making the fire disperse and fade into smoke.

The beast turned to whoever dared interrupt its feast, but before it could fully maneuver, a blade cut its head clean off. Blue liquid secreted from its eyes and nose; the beast looked to its killer in silence, letting out a gasp as it choked on its own fluids.

The young girl, barely conscious, looked up towards her savior.

"T-thank you."

The young girl passed out.

The sword-wielder sheathed their blade, their armor sparkling in drops of moonlight coming from the roof of the burned cabin.

The knight walked over to the girl and picked her up by the torso and legs, carrying her out of the house.


A young girl ran over to the paladin gasping with tears in her eyes; A broad man and his wife followed with fear and concern.

The wielder takes off her steel helmet to let her silver hair bask in the night.

"I'm assuming this one is yours."

She hands the unconscious girl to the man.

A girl with blonde hair dropped to the floor in tears.

"S-she went to go help someone out of their house, and we got separated by some monsters."

"I-If only I was stronger and brave. I could've saved them myself, and Okami would've been fine."

The silver-haired paladin kneeled before the crying girl and put her hand on her shoulder.

"Then become strong."

The silver-haired swordswoman said as she unclasped her blade from her side and placed it on the girl's lap.

"Once you think you're strong, become a knight, and fight for those who aren't."

The young girl wiped the tears from her cheeks and touched the sword. The cover was embroidered with the name 'Sword Maiden' in gold dust.

Another monster, this one large with tusks blacker than dark, charged at the family.

"Get behind me!"

The man shielded his family, taking out a blade from his hilt.

The monster advanced, but before it could reach them, the silver-haired woman dashed with incredible speed in front of the monster, punching it with such great force that its face swelled with liquids and burst along with its torso.

Its innards spread across the ground; the silver-haired woman looked back at the family, specifically the blonde-haired girl, as they looked in awe.

"True strength is not only when you can save others, but when you can defend what you care about most."

She flung the head of the beast to the ground and jumped high into the air.

The man tightly held his daughter's body as his wife cried and touched her cheeks.


The blonde hair girl said as she got up from the ground and looked into the sky, gripping the blade tightly.

"I have to become stronger."

. . .

| Town of Lanier, 6 years prior to Zalcov Massacre |

Aiyoma looked in a mirror, her long yellow hair complimenting the shine of her new knightly armor.

She twisted and turned, admiring herself in delight.

"I'm finally 16, which means I'm now old enough for the Rite of Passage!"

Aiyoma worked hard for three whole years, just for this moment.

She walks over to her bed and picks up the scabbard; looking at the gold dust engraving the same way she did three years ago, she opens up the latch shielding the blade, and unsheathes it.

The sword's handle is encircled by a unique group of metals that swivel around the base of the blade to the grip.

The rain guard (base of the sword) is made of Asardinite, tougher than diamond, and crafted using compressed and powerful magics, a rare and powerful metal.

The fuller (middle of the sword) itself shines intensely, as the blade is made of Viatronite, another powerful metal that drains the metal elements of anything it touches and strengthens itself twofold.

The blade, in a word, is the ultimate counter towards any sword and is in a class of its own. Many magical swords made with advanced magics and unique metals are referred to as Vastoya, meaning, 'Legendary Blade.'

Aiyoma smiles and slides the rapier back into its scabbard. She grabs a bag filled with food, water, and other necessities and puts it on her back, clinking against her iron armor.

She walked downstairs to be greeted by her mother, father, younger sister Okami, and several townspeople. Aiyoma is greeted by the looks of admiration, pride, and joy.

An older woman beamed.

"We're so proud of you, Aiyoma!"

A man in plated armor started wiping tears from her eyes.

"W-we're going to miss you around here!"

"Be careful and don't give up."

A young lass with purple hair says as she clenches her bow.

"We're all rooting for you!"

Aiyoma walks to the center of the room where her sister, mother, and father stood with looks of passion and esteem.

"Aiy-Aiy...I-I'm going to miss you, big sis."

The young girl rushed to hug Aiyoma, pressing against her armor.

Aiyoma wrapped her arms around her.

"I will miss you more."

Her mother walked up to her, tears filled with joy, and hugged her tightly, lifting her off her feet. Despite her mother's small demeanor, delicate face, and passionate love for those around her, she was quite strong.

"O-ok, mom, you're going to break my new armor!"

Aiyoma laughed as her mother set her on the floor.

"You make us proud, you hear."

"This is Aiyoma we're talking about, trained by the great swordsman Higashi!"

A broad man with a bit of stubble moved toward her looking down proudly.

"She's going to be just fine."

Aiyoma looked at all of those surrounded by her.

"I will not let you down!"

She said, clenching her scabbard.

"I will come back victorious."

Aiyoma opens the door and walks down the town's path being consumed with goodbyes, gifts, and pats on the back.

She traverses through the town and the pavement ends, leading to a dirt road. A sign pointed adjacent to the town reading, "Phoenia."

"My journey begins here."

Aiyoma takes a step forward.

"It's time to set off and become a knight!"

. . .