Let's Imagine: Getting a Leg-Up!

| Euphoria, Mysterious Cave, Present Day |

"RAAAGH!" A monster's cry is heard just as we enter the room through the portal.

The room was pitch black, the rocky surface beneath us rumbled with the monster's howl. The only light we had was the portal which slowly started to diminish in size then instantly closed.


Whatever was in the room with us knew we were there as well.

Suddenly, torches surrounding the room grew a flame starting from the ones nearest and spreading to the edge of the room. The cave was massive, even with the torches aligned on the walls we couldn't get a read on how far the ceiling was. The ground danced in flames from our only source of light.

Yuumi takes a step forward peering from left to right. "Where the hell is it?!"

Despite the room being lit our enemy couldn't be seen.

"RAAAAAGH!" Its howl made my hairs stand on end. The monster's echo radiated in the cave as if there was more than one enemy to face.

"LOOK RIGHT THERE!" Mimi pointed towards the sky.

A dark figure jumped from the ceiling and crashed into the ground. The legs extruding from it's body plunged into the ground as it stood firm.

One? Three? Wait are those eight legs—

The shadowy figure basks in the flames and its true form is shown.

A giant-ass spider.

"RAAAAAGH!" The arachnid cried out and charged for our position.

Its legs create shock waves echoing through the entire room. The boulders that were foolish enough to lay in its path were smothered to pieces by its huge stature.

"SPLIT! SPLIT SPLIT!" I yell running towards the left side as the spider closed into our location.

Mimi and Yuumi jump to the right as the foe leaped a few meters away and closed in our initial spot. Giant boulders and debris came crashing from the air as it slammed into the ground. A dust cloud formed but it couldn't hide its four eyes looking towards me with a red glare.



I run towards the other side of the room as the arachnid chases me. I'm able to keep my distance but because of the leg advantage the spider starts to gain on me.

Mimi and Yuumi stare as I run back and forth trying to avoid the large arachnid.

EEP! I run into a wall and turn with hesitation to face my opponent.

His eyes glare red with his chelicerae (a spider's mouth-parts) twitching in anticipation. Green goo is seen spewing from its large mouth and gushing onto the floor. The ground slave to its fluids starts to release smoke as if its saliva is acidic.


It runs towards me with its fangs at the ready.

A large blade is thrown from across the room and lands in it's abdomen.

"SCHREEE!" The spider looks away from me and follows the metal chain to Yuumi's arm.

"Hey ugly, pick someone your own si—ZE!" The spider whips its abdomen towards the wall and Yuumi's entire body is flung in the air still holding to the chain. She lands face-first into the rocky surface causing debris to fall from where she's implanted. A cloud of rubble doesn't allow me to see her current condition.

"YUUMI!" I ready my hands onto my sword's handle and charge at the creature. It jumps and turns around mid-air to release spews of silk from its backside. The globs of webbing were big yet I dashed from side to side dodging most of them.

"KAILO!" Mimi yells into the air, her voice echoing through the cave.

Her body starts to grow more muscular, while her claws sharpen and her eyes grow sharper. Veins protrude from her body as she gets on all fours and pounces into the air, leaving the ground breaking beneath her.

She slams her feet into the spider's head and it's sent soaring from the impact. The wall rumbles as the spider slammed into the rocky surface leaving a large dirt cloud. Mimi falls to the ground and looks up to the enemy.

"Hell yeah Mimi! That's what I'm talking about!" I raise my sword in the air chanting her name.

She scratches her head with a nervous smile while looking towards me, embarrassed of her given praise.

The spider jumps from the wall and lands onto the ground a few meters away from us.

"Let's get him!" Mimi dashes forward on all fours with great speed as I follow closely behind her carrying my sword with one arm behind my back.

The catgirl jumps in the air and slams her foot into the head of the spider. A shockwave is formed as the arachnid is hurled onto its stomach.

"SCREEEE!" It squeals in pain as Mimi's leg punctures the top of it's head.

I allow my sword to scrape the ground creating a small tinder of flame as I reel it in for my attack. I start to make my way to its side and lunge my sword at the spider's massive legs. I curve my way across its rear and start slicing each of its four legs on the right side. My attacks quick, yet powerful leave the limbs gushing brown fluid then falling to the ground. The parts twitch as if they had a mind of their own.

A chained blade appears and takes a hold of the middle of the spider's four eyes. The sword pulls itself upward and exposes it's purple and yellowish brains.

Yuumi stands from the hole in the wall with blood seeping from her head.

"Stupid insect! YOU THINK YOU BESTED ME!"

`...Aren't spiders ...bugs?`

She jumps down, the chain reacts to her momentum creating a wave of great force that rips itself from the spider's head.

"REEEEE!" The spider's cries out as it's dome is cracked. Brown fluid rained down from atop of it.

Mimi jumps from the spider's head as she looks above to the floating chains.

"RAAAA!" Yuumi pulls the chains down and the blades thrash into the spider's abdomen. She pulls them forward and cuts its backside wide open exposing its yellow intestines and red-beating heart shaped like a slimy tentacle. It's silky glands pop extruding a white mess that covers it's entire vicinity.

The spider's eyes start to close as its body stops moving entirely.

"WOO HOO!" I run over to grab Yuumi picking her up from the waist.

"Woo…" She stammers with her hand in the air, the loss of blood making her a bit weak.

Mimi rushes over and hugs us both. "We did it guys!"

We celebrate in each other's grasp as a portal opens up in front of us. It has a blue tint and on the other side I see the arena but it looks a bit different.

I put Yuumi's arm around my neck as we walk into the portal My skin tingles as we bask in the bright light glowing ever closer.

. . .