Let's Imagine: A Small Request!

They walk into the large greenhouse growing plants of different colors and shapes. Clumps of red greenery similar to venus fly-traps surround the room's walls. At the same time, the floor consists of several glowing flowers and an assortment of weeds.

"My father and I use to go out into the forest near my home and quiz me on the plants in a given area… But I only know a handful of the ones in this room." Aiyoma states continuing to follow the mages.

"Well, that's obviously because some plants are native to a specific part of the region. Another dependent is the amount of magical energy that's stored in one part of the world or another." Mina noted while walking towards the center of the room.

She stops in front of a plant situated on a large white table while caressing its orange leaves. The plant itself was shaped like a rose but gave off a small flame in the center.